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生石灰湿度高于正常值。Humidity of quick lime above normal.

这种热度和湿度会减轻皮肤的干燥度。This heat and humidityimproves skin dryness.

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海边或大湖泊边的空气湿度很大。The air is very humid near the sea or large lake.

那儿的湿度很大,所以树长得特别高。It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall.

贝莱姆是炎热和潮湿的城市,具有很高的湿度。Belém is a hot and rainy city with very high humidity.

保持湿度对纤毛功能来说十分重要。Maintenance of humidity is vital for ciliary function.

马拉松比赛当天湿度很大,气温高达90华氏度。The marathon was run on a very humid , 90F degree day.

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土壤湿度对植被指数起着重要的作用。Soil moisture had severe influence on vegetation index.

在空调系统中,湿度的上升是不可避免的。Moisture build up in air-conditioning AHUs is inevitable.

低湿度空气防止糖结块。The low-humidity atmosphere keeps the sugar from lumping.

那在岩石里生活怎样帮助他们保持温暖和湿度?How does living inside a rock help them keep warm and wet?

同时有很强的湿度锋区,大气处于不稳定状态。The air is rather unstable near the moisture frontal zone.

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湿度指示器将信息传至控制中心。Humidity indicators transmit information to the control centre.

纳米钛酸钡感湿芯片是一种电阻式湿度传感器。Nanometer barium titanate humidity sensor is a resistive sensor.

湿度测试的结果见于下面的“货物测验结果”表格。Moisture test result, see below tabulated report of Cargo Outturn.

天气,指的是每一天的温度、湿度和降雨。Weather is the day-to-day temperature, humidity and precipitation.

虽然热度和湿度都有影响,但人们能够适应。Yet as challenging as heat and humidity are, people can acclimate.

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环境数据,比如温度、湿度、冲击和震动。Condition data, such as temperature, humidity, shock and vibration.

风和低湿度加剧了火势,大火烧焦了数十英亩地。Fueled by wind and low humidity, the blaze charred dozens of acres.

如果湿度不在设置点内,那么打开外部通风。If humidity not within the set point, turn on external ventilation.