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将剥皮的蒜瓣放入装有醋的容器存放。Put peeled garlic cloves in a container with vinegar.

果瓣跟剥开的蒜瓣相似,果肉可食,味道酸甜。The pulp of fruit is edible and tastes sweet and acidic.

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当米饭与盐和蒜瓣一起炒的时候就是炒饭。When fried with salt and garlic cloves it’s known as sinangag.

加蒜瓣,翻炒1分钟,直到炒出香味。Add the garlic and cook, stirring, for 1 minute or until aromatic.

首先,他把大蒜剥成月牙状的小蒜瓣。First, he separated the bulbs into the small, sickle-shaped cloves.

然后把每个粉色皮革般坚韧的蒜瓣切开,露出里面的蒜肉。Then he cut each pink, leathery clove in half, exposing the fleshy center buds.

在炒锅内加葵花籽油,油热后,放入黄油,先倒入洋葱和蒜瓣,煸炒。Heat the sun flower seed oil in a pan. Add butter. Pour onion and garlic and stir.

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给蒜瓣剥皮,加进去,再在蘑菇里加入几片百里香叶子。Peel the garlic cloves and add them, with a few pinches of thyme leaves, to the mushrooms.

机器运转状态,打开加料盖子,将蒜瓣从加料口放入容量杯中。While machine is running, remove the lid plug and drop in garlic cloves through the lid plug opening.

继续加热锅里的橄榄油,加入洋葱、蒜瓣和百里香煎炒3-4分钟。Remove and cool. Heat remaining oil in pan, add the onion, garlic & thyme and cook gently for 3-4 min.

还可以尝试着将一些碾碎的蒜瓣和丁香浸泡在水里,多喝这种水能治疗咽喉病痛。As a variation, try several crushed garlic cloves in the water. If you have a sore throat, drink sage tea.

将硬的面饼掰成小块然后加汤里,然后配着腌制蒜瓣一起吃。The hard bread is broken up and added to the soup. Then the mixture is eaten along with pickled garlic cloves.

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将腌制好的蟹,用中火油煎后放在一旁,再放入蒜瓣油煎后放到一旁。Heat the oil and fry the marinated crabs in medium heat, keep aside. In the same oil fry the garlic and keep aside.

把3瓣中等大小的蒜瓣磨碎,放进一个浅盘里,上面浇盖橄榄油,并将这种混合物放上一整夜。Grate three medium cloves of garlic and place them in a shallow dish. Cover them with olive oil and let the mixture stand overnight.

天刚破晓,就有人将一堆切成细丝的洋葱以及整块蒜瓣连皮扔到豆油中爆炒,香气四处飘散。SHORTLY AFTER DAWN , someone dropped a pile of thinly sliced onions and whole garlic cloves with the skins still on into a wok of hot soybean oil.

在用小火煮火鸡的过程中,把洋葱放到油里炸一下,把炸过的洋葱连同蒜瓣、红番椒粉、干红番椒、坚果和巧克力一起放到锅内。While the turkey is simmering, brown the onion in bacon fat or oil. Add to the pot, along with garlic, chili powder , dried chili , nuts, and chocolate.

做法极其简单,将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到可以密封的罐子里,然后倒入醋,封上口,放到温度较冷的地方。Approach is also extremely simple, the skinned garlic kid can be sealed into a jar, then pour vinegar, sealed port, into a place where the temperature cooler.

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那老醋熏醋泡过蒜色泽发黑,蒜瓣也不够绿,口感较差,尤其是熏醋,略带糊味,也许这正是它的特色。That Laocu garlic vinegar dip color dark, green garlic is not enough, penniless taste, especially in vinegar and slightly paste savor, perhaps this is its features.

一种篾帘式蒜瓣剥皮器,包括竹篾,一片片竹篾通过细线连接成帘状。The invention relates to a thin bamboo strip curtain type garlic clove peeler comprising thin bamboo strips which are connected to form the shape of a curtain by strings.

先在烤盘的底部铺上一层土豆片,用盐和胡椒调味,放上蒜瓣片,再铺一层西芹片。First place a layer of potato to cover the bottom of the tin. Season with salt and pepper. And then scatter a few slices of garlic over the potato, followed by a layer of celeriac.