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两者能协力共处吗?Can they be brought together?

协力完成这样的任务十分令人兴奋。To pull together such an effort is very exciting.

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面对困难,我们要合心协力。When facing difficulties, we should act with one heart.

如果我们协力的话,可以把这批货按时交出去的。We can have this shipment out on time if we pull together.

他们协力促成两人的会面。They conspired to bring about the meeting of the two people.

归根结柢,协力同心,是安利事业的经营之道。After all, working together is what this business is all about.

这些协力厂商的用户端在埃及似乎还能工作。These third-party clients still appear to be functioning in Egypt.

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我们能做到这一点,让我们协力同心来完成这项仅凭一己之力无法完成的事业。We can do it, doing together what no one church could do by itself.

丑娃大声号召,众人协力逃出监狱,向大门奔去。Ugly baby loudly call, all together to escape the prison, to the door.

夫妻俩正协力推着一辆放着宝宝的小车。The young couple both helping to push the stroller with the baby in it.

英国国际发展部、世界银行和中国政府协力筹备本项目。DFID and the World Bank worked with the government to prepare the project.

在商业活动中“协力优势”是一个被危险地过度使用了的词语,但有时它确能一语中的。Synergy is a dangerously overused word in business, but sometimes it fits.

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我想,整个宇宙都在协力帮助我们在这里迎来救赎的时刻。I think the universe is conspiring to help us have a redemptive moment here.

从一个客户选择在上海的一个小巷里街协力厂商蔬菜。A customer selects vegetables from a street vender in an alleyway in Shanghai.

整个七十年代,查理斯和戴维协力扩张着科氏工业。Throughout the seventies, Charles and David continued to build Koch Industries.

季后赛后,需要球员和老板们一起协力来解决这个问题。After the playoffs, it'll be up to the players and owners to solve that problem.

只有14岁以上的儿童才可以参加协力跳伞。Only kids who are elder than 14 years old can participate in tandem parachuting.

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答案可能是这些牺牲使得宗教更确保其团体的合心协力。The answer may be that these sacrifices enable the group to secure more cooperation.

更像是协力合作来把中国描绘成“土霸”的形象。More like a concerted effort to paint an image of China as the 'bully' that it really is.

粮农组织和世卫组织正在与荷兰国家公共卫生与环境研究院以及食品和消费管理局协力组织这次会议。FAO and WHO are organizing the meeting in collaboration with RIVM and VWA in the Netherlands.