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他在审判庭上总想坐在最显眼的位置上.He always wanted the number one seat in the courtroom.

不过不管他到底是淮,他都为自己能够加入审判庭,有报酬的猎杀恶魔而感到非常快乐。Whoever he is, he, smore than happy to join the Inquisition and get paid to kill demons.

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当法警将Michael领开时,他看到了他侄子LJ坐在审判庭中。As the bailiff leads Michael away, Michael sees his nephew, LJ, sitting in the courtroom.

审判庭里响起一阵喧闹声。迪·西尔瓦待恢复安静之后继续问话。There was a ripple of sound through the courtroom. Di Silva waited until there was silence.

与其它在审判庭上的证据一样,录音表明了杰克逊是一个既有天赋又被很多事情所困扰的人。Like a lot of evidence at the trial, the recording shows Jackson as both talented and troubled.

人民法院设行政审判庭,审理行政案件。The people's courts shall set up administrative divisi for the handling of administrative cases.

人民法院设行政审判庭,审理行政案件。The people's courts shall set up administrative divisions for the handling of administrative cases.

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在金贝尔的审判庭上,陪审员们耳闻目睹了那些绘声绘色的充斥着种族谩骂的电子邮件和暴力言论的电话。At Gimbel's trial, jurors were shown vivid e-mails filled with racial invective and calls to violence.

在审判庭上,他一遍又一遍的说,他之所以这样做是为了让良心得到安稳。但是却没有人相信他。At the trial he said over and over that he had done it to settle his conscience, but nobody listened to him.

不同审判庭或者法院之间应当主动加强沟通协调,不得各行其是。Different tribunals or courts should offer to communicate with each other and should not each go their own way.

我们民事审判庭负责处理本院管辖的民事案件,但婚姻家庭案件除外。The Civil Division of the Court processes and manages all civil non-domestic matters within the Court's jurisdiction.

中国少年司法制度由上海第一个少年刑事审判庭起步,并在探索和实践中不断发展和完善。The Juvenile Judiciary of China started from Shanghai establishing Juvenile Criminal Court, which is the first trial in China.

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然后陪审团将会退出审判庭,根据证词和Fritzl的招供决定他们的判决,还有刑期。The jury will then retire to decide their verdict based on both the evidence and Fritzl's confession, and to determine the sentence.

她在关于她丈夫被Antasari谋杀的审判庭上的证词对于公众来说过于刺激,但至今还是保密的。Her testimony in the trial of Antasari for her husband’s murder was too spicy for public consumption and was kept behind closed doors.

四个武装法警簇拥着卡米罗·斯特拉,护送他穿过审判庭前端的一扇边门,走进证人室。Four armed deputies surrounded Camillo Stela and escorted him through a door near the front of the courtroom that led to the witness room.

这个人们长久以来翘首企盼的“联合审判庭”,集合了国际法律界的律师和法官,总是备受争议。This long-awaited "mixed tribunal", which combines Cambodian lawyers and judges with international jurists, has always been controversial.

站在金边审判庭防弹玻璃后面的,是一位现年79岁、曾经是工程师的年迈力衰的老人,他在陈述S-21集中营里不堪回首的往事。Standing behind bulletproof glass in a courtroom in Phnom Penh, the former engineer, now a frail 79-year-old, recalled the agony of jail S21.

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笔者认为,变更和追加被执行人的,首先应由申请执行人提出,由执行机构移送原审判庭依法审理予以认定。The writer holds that shifting and adding the executed must be first put forward by the executor and then be sent to the original court to affirm.

在今天审判时,扎伊迪走到被告的木栏里的位置,然后向三名法官的审判庭点头挥手示意。During today's proceedings, Zaidi walked to the wooden pen in which defendants are kept and greeted the panel of three judges with a nod and a wave.

公布的裁判文书是指本院各审判庭审理案件所作出的判决书、裁定书。I. The proclaimed document of judgement refers to the court verdict and order made during the trial of a case by every judicial tribunal of this court.