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它应该是禁用的。It should be disabled.

禁用无用的推理。Disable Useless Theorizing.

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在默认情况下,这是禁用的。By default, this is disabled.

禁用基于主机的身份验证Disable host-based authentication

必须禁用所有锁定装置。All lock-on devices must be disabled.

在禁用脚本的浏览器中工作。Working within script-disabled browsers.

禁用切换全屏模式的游戏。Disabled toggling Fullscreen mode in game.

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启用或禁用一个查询执行跟踪。Enables or disables a query execution trace.

这些选项在默认情况下都是禁用的。All of these options are turned off by default.

禁用自动更新的一个水龙头在屏幕上。Disable auto-updates with one tap on the screen.

我可以在哲基尔完全禁用减价解析吗?。Can I disable markdown parsing in Jekyll entirely?

一些国家已经禁用对苯二酚。Hydroquinone has been banned in several countries.

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它比市场上禁用词语的洗澡防水帽更有效。It works much better than one of those bath visors.

这就是启用和禁用模块的地方。This is the area that enables and disables modules.

禁用所有的食品添加剂是行不通的。It would be impracticable to ban all food additives.

禁用蓖麻油泻剂,以免引起流产。Ban with castor oil evacuant, lest cause miscarriage.

我可以为一个特定的文件夹禁用预编译?Can I disable precompilation for a particular folder?

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创建、检索、禁用或删除参与者。Create, retrieve, deactivate, or remove a participant.

放置禁用脚本,用于对队列禁用放置。The put-disable script, used to put-disable the queue.

如何吡咯烷酮区有关禁用直至修复的错误?How about disabling PVP Zones until the bugs are fixed?