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那边的传送门是什么?What is that portal there?

进入你身后的传送门。Enter the portal behind you.

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这是传送的回条。Here's the transmission slip.

帧中继语音传送?。VOFR? Voice Over Frame Relay?

它传送给我们,在15日,绿色圣利特尔顿。Send it to us at 15, Green St.

他收到一封由信鸽传送的短信。As a result, the carrier pigeon.

他已经把报告传送给我们。He has transmitted the report to us.

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传送至用户端的回应标头大小。Response Header Size Sent To Client.

你确定传送ASK文件到服务器做串号?Would you like to send ASK to server?

我委托他传送。I entrusted him with its transmission.

会有招换或是传送的法术吗?。Is there summoning or teleporting spells?

问题的关键还是要归结到位块传送上。The key generally comes down to blitting.

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传真机已转换到传送模式。The fax has switched to the transmit mode.

新闻节目是经卫星传送到我们这儿的。The news program came to us via satellite.

将军的传令兵传送了这一消息。The general's orderly delivered the message.

你将会传送回戈德林圣殿。This will return you the Shrine of Goldrinn.

这是929航班的行李传送领取处吗?。Is this baggage conveyor belt for flight 929?

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请传送此网址给友人,谢谢!Please forward this web-site to your friends.

预压传送,防止纸板压破现象。Pre-creasing wheel to prevents crushing board.

这就削减了处理、存储和传送费用。This cut processing, memory and deferent cost.