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到底是什么阻碍了旅行?What stops you from traveling?

风对速度有阻碍。Wind acts as a check on speed.

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瓢泼大雨阻碍了我们的旅行。Heavy rain impeded our journey.

ON公司竞标Endesa所施加的阻碍是违法的。ON's bid for Endesa are illegal.

您的作品在任何方面受到阻碍?Is your work encumbered in any way?

人生不总是充满阻碍的。Life dosen't always have obstacles.

任何东西都不能阻碍我喜欢郭采洁。Nobody hinders me from loving amber.

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但你没必要因为阻碍而停止不前。But obstacles don’t have to stop you.

一个小石头可能阻碍一辆大与运货车。A little stone may upset a large cart.

怠惰,与别的阻碍一样。Burnout is an obstacle like any other.

没有什么像警察一样阻碍交通。Nothing slows down traffic like a cop.

骄傲会阻碍你服事他人。Pride will impede your serving others.

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这些阻碍也可能是社会心理方面的。The barriers also can be psychosocial.

恐惧在哪方面阻碍了你的进展?Where has fear hindered your progress?

阻碍是可笑的冠军。Blokes are champions of the ridiculous.

不要停在右转通道上,阻碍他人转弯。Avoid blocking the right-hand turn lane.

原料的生产受到了阻碍。Production of material has bottlenecked.

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但是现在,这变成了阻碍。But now, this is the piece de resistance.

它是帮助还是阻碍了你瑜伽姿势的练习?Helping or hindering your asana practice?

哦,倘若你的清高未把欢乐阻碍。O if thy pride did not our joys controul.