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此路禁止通行!No passage this way!

请给我一张一日通行票。I'd like a one-day pass.

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这个色彩很通行。This color is very pupular.

禁止拖、挂车通行。Trailers Access Prohibited.

这些桥梁都是免收通行费的。These bridges are toll-free.

此路允许通行雪地车。Snowmobiles may use this road.

这条街道禁止通行。The street is closed to traffic.

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禁止行人在此路通行。No pedestrians allowed on this road.

这座公路桥现在开放通行。The road bridge is now open to traffic.

这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。The bridge can take four lorries abreast.

此路不准车辆通行。This road is closed to vehicular traffic.

自行车禁止通行于新建的快车道。Bicycles are banned from the new motorway.

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现在车辆暂时禁止通行。It is now closed temporarily for the race.

这座大桥可容四辆卡车并列通行。The bridge can take four lorries a breast.

英语是现在通行全球的语言。The language of England girdles the globe.

行人“通行”标志的倒计时钟。Countdown clocks on pedestrian "walk" signs.

这座桥于1883年的今日开放通行。It was open to traffic on this date in 1883.

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阻止机动车通行的一组安全岛护柱。Set of bollards for blocking vehicle access.

最低的固定桥下方通行高度为12.8米。The lowest fixed bridge has 12.8m clearance.

通行音乐和民间音乐你更喜欢什么?Which do you prefer- pop music or folk music?