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壁炉在冒烟吗?Is the fireplace smoking?

是的,他气得七窍冒烟。Yes, he was really fuming.

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子弹把尘土打得噗噗直冒烟。Bullets whipped up the dust.

有些似乎还在冒烟。Some seem to be still smoking.

湿柴冒烟冒得厉害。The wet firewood smokes badly.

烟囱冒烟处,未必酒菜香。The stove chimney discharged dark smoke.

那个地方像砖窑一样冒烟,这你知道。The place went up in flames like a kiln, you know.

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人们看到点燃了的引火线在冒烟。They could see the smoke of the burning lint-stock.

冒烟的矿内有许多土褐色的房子。There are many drab houses in the smoky mining town.

易溶于有机溶剂,易吸湿,在空气中与水蒸汽反应而冒烟。It can easily react with water vapour and fume in air.

她可以看到附近村子里的烟囱在冒烟。She could see a chimney smoking in the nearby village.

他的律师绕着圈子说话,试图把陪审团弄糊涂,但是陪审团还是忘不了那把冒烟的手枪,仍然判定他有罪。His lawyer talked in circles trying to confuse the jury.

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烟囱冒烟处,未必酒菜香。There is not always good cheer where the chimney smokes.

救火员听到冒烟的房间里传出一个男孩的喘息声。The policeman heard the gasps of a boy in the smoky room.

记着,倘使你在嘿咻后冒烟了,证明你整得太快了。Remember- if you smoke after sex you're doing it too fast.

守门人一看见冒烟就发出警报。The doorkeeper gave the alarm as soon as he saw the smoke.

油用尽了,麻冒烟,他们就吹灭。When the oil ran out, the flax smoked and they quenched it.

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救火员听到冒烟的房间里有个男孩的喘息声。GASP】The policeman heard the gasps of a boy in the smoky room.

它实际上是边上带有冒烟装置跨斗的摩托艇式样的摩托车.It is actually a cruiser-style motorcycle with a smoker sidecar.

这个问题足以使你的神经元失火,然后发出咝咝声和冒烟。It's enough to make your neurons misfire , then sizzle and smoke.