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请谈下你的月薪要求…?What salary do you expect?

你目前的月薪是多少?What’s your monthly salary now?

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他们从你的月薪中抽出多少税?How much tax do they take out of your monthly pay?

他的月薪由雇主替他存入银行。His monthly salary is paid in the bank by his employer.

我没有足够的钱为我的家人,我的月薪是少数。I haven't got enough money for my family . My salary is small.

经济危机来袭后,她的月薪已被削减了一半。Since the crisis hit, her monthly salary has been cut in half.

盼望待遇月薪2,000元沈阳塑料托盘,另供给宿舍。Thee salary required is 2,000 yuan per month, living in the house.

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这些村官第一年月薪平均约为2000元。The first-year salary for these graduates is around RMB2000 a month.

他是我公司副总经理,月薪XXXX元,从XXXX年XX月起至今在我公司工作。His salary is about RMBXXXX. He has worked in our company from XX. XXXX.

这个工作月薪6000元,包括食住,你对此有无兴趣?This job offers you 6000 a month plus room and board. Would you be interested?

于敏的母亲不想让孩女接受月薪低于3,000元的工做。Yu's mother doesn't want him to accept anything for less than 3,000 yuan a month.

医生的薪水并不比月薪100-200美元的教师多。A doctor’s salary doesn’t exceed that of a teacher who gets 100-200 dollars a month.

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这项工作是4周,你的月薪是对项目完成当周周。The job is for 4 weeks and you are paid weekly upon project completion for that week.

清华大学的调查发现,非名校毕业生的平均月薪只有1,903元。Graduates from lower-level universities make an average of only 1,903 yuan a month, it said.

目前,西班牙国内在职人员的平均月薪为2000欧元左右,但很多外来移民的实际月收入却远低于此。Average salaries in Spain are around 2, 000 euros a month, but many immigrants earn far less.

民营医院初级职称的医生月薪大概多少?。Is civilian battalion hospital primary the doctor monthly pay of the title probably how many?

他一开始在阿伦航运公司的一艘开往加拿大的船上做舱面水手,月薪一英镑。He had started as a deck boy at a pound a month on a ship of the Allan Line going out to Canada.

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而一个进城务工人员,在深圳的制造厂,每周工作六至七天,大约可以赚到1000至2000人民币的月薪。A migrant worker in a Shenzhen factory earns 1, 000-1, 200 yuan a month and works 6-7 days a week.

至于薪水,请你们酌定。目前本人月薪2000元。红利另计。As regards salary, I would leave that to you. My present salary is 2000 yuan per month plus bonus.

我觉得我一个人就能干好这项工作,这样一看,如果给我的月薪是4000元的话,您反而能省不少钱。I can handle this work quite easily by myself and you will end up saving money if you pay me RMB4000 a month.