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数位式转速及时间显示。LED speed and time display.

这是数位时代的血汗工厂。This is the digital-era sweatshop.

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你也可以使用数位像机。You may also use a digital camera.

数位执董都在她的兴趣。Few directors are interested in her.

今晚的民视数位电视台你不可错过!Corel Painter and Stanley on TV tonight!

现在我们有书和数位光碟。Now we have books and digital recorders.

乌里维释放了数位被捕的游击队员。Mr Uribe freed scores of guerrilla prisoners.

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数位式的录音提供最好的音质。Digital recording offers the best sound quality.

这本书统括了数位专家学者的观点。This book contains many specialists' points of view.

泰德在拍卖场中出价五十元买那旧型的个人数位助理。Ted bid fifty dollars for the old PDA at the auction.

中国图书的数位化已经被完成了。The digitization of Chinese books has been completed.

图五、牡蛎壳影像数位测量法之像素分群。Fig. 5 . Pixel grouping of the digital chambering method.

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非任何软体所修编的数位相片。Not digital photos retouched by any photo editing software.

通道能用作数位化的音讯传输。The B channels can be used for digitized speech transmission.

数位影像处理,译者,徐晓佩,高立出版社。Digital Image Processing, second edition, by Gonzalez & Woods.

整合服务数位网路在数位线路上被使用就如同在声音等级的线路上。ISDN is used on digital lines as well as on voice-grade lines.

多数位映像显示器可以显示文本和图形。Most bit-mapped display screens can display text and graphics.

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所以我加了一个小摄影机,当作数位眼睛。So I put a small camera over there, that acts as a digital eye.

我们正设法重建资料,将原稿数位化。We're trying to restore information and digitalize manuscripts.

不合法的复制滥用数位化内容,成为一个严重的问题。Illegal copying digital content abuses become a serious problem.