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泽克在谈到哺乳动物-制造的吗啡时说。Zenk said of the mammal-made morphine.

度冷丁是一种类似吗啡的药物。Meperidine is a drug similar to morphine.

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几滴的吗啡将令他如痴如醉。A few drops of morphia will knock him out.

本研究的主要结果是24小时吗啡用量。Our primary outcome was 24-h morphine consumption.

胍丁胺可以抑制吗啡镇痛耐受。Agmatine inhibited the tolerance to morphine in mice.

麻醉药包括吗啡,鸦片,海洛因和美沙酮。Narcotics include morphine, opium, heroin and methadone.

他开始基斯的左手上插上静脉点滴,并注射了吗啡。He started an IV for fluids and morphine in his left hand.

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克里斯蒂娜故意谈及其吗啡上瘾激恼她。Christina riles her by talking about her morphine addiction.

病人注射吗啡后处于麻醉状态,于是手术开始了。The operation began when the patient was kept under with morphine.

鞘内提供这些巴氯酚或吗啡可能是必要的。Intrathecal delivery of these baclofen or morphine may be necessary.

自从患者入院后为了缓解胸部疼痛给予吗啡治疗。Since his admission, morphine was used for relieving precordial pain.

她抬头看到房间内有几小瓶吗啡。When she looks up, she looks at the vials of morphine across the room.

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这些病人可能需要甘油滴定、β-阻止剂或吗啡。They may require titration of nitroglycerin, beta blockers, and morphine.

海洛因、吗啡、度冷丁是目前我国滥用的主要毒品种类。Heroin, morphine and pethidine are main poisons in our country at present.

切除双侧内脏大神经可消除吗啡的高血糖效应。The hyperglycemic effect could be eliminated by bilateral splanchnicotomy.

他们把我送到当地医院,然后很慷慨的给我打了一针吗啡。They got me to a local hospital, and I got this gorgeous shot of morphine.

于是我们采用甩尾法研究转基因小鼠对吗啡耐受的变化。We study the morphine tolerance in the transgenic mice by tail flick test.

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这个导致了鞘内吗啡作用提高了5.4倍的结果。This results in a 5.4-fold increase in the potency of intrathecal morphine.

由于胆碱的作用,吗啡对胃的药物疗效增加了。The effects of morphine on the stomach are potentiated by cholinergic drugs.

纳洛酮一种药品,C19H21NO4,用作一种麻醉性药物的对抗剂,如吗啡。A drug, C19H21NO4, used as an antagonist to narcotic drugs, such as morphine.