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“2个瘟疫般的进球,”他说。"Two poxy goals, " he said.

1665年一场瘟疫降临伦敦。A plague visited London in 1665.

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瘟疫威胁着这座城市。An epidemic threatened the city.

瘟疫夺走了他的生命。He was carried away by the plague.

一场可怕的瘟疫袭击了整个欧洲。A terrible plague hit the whole Europe.

你们简直比埃及的瘟疫还让人讨厌!You’re worse than the plagues of Egypt!

人口中的大部分被一场瘟疫所毁。The population was decimated by a plague.

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那个地区突然发生了一场大瘟疫。A great epidemic burst forth in that area.

这个村庄里流行着一种严重的瘟疫。A severe murrain prevailed in this village.

饥荒!瘟疫!战争!恶疾!死亡!Famine, Pestilence, War, Disease and Death!

水危机瘟疫地区遍布世界各地。Water woes plague regions around the world.

更带来瘟疫,将灵车顶替了婚床。And blights with plague the Marriage hearse.

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荒年之后常有瘟疫。Disease is often an accompaniment of famine.

带者瘟疫肆虐张狂,直把婚礼变成灵堂。And blights with Plagues the Marriage hearse.

又用瘟疫摧残了婚礼丧车。And blights with plagues the marriage-hearse.

在大多数时候,他对于对方中锋来说都是一场瘟疫。Most weeks he is a plague on centre-forwards.

我们有了害虫、霜冻、蠕虫和新的瘟疫。We have pests, frosts, worms and new plagues.

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我过去也生活在在这种瘟疫肆虐的地区。I too used to live in the grip of this epidemic.

那里是一再发生瘟疫的策源地。There is the source of the recurring pestilence.

最著名的非1518年的死亡舞蹈狂躁症瘟疫莫属。Most famous is the deadly dancing plague of 1518.