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他因对宗教的疑惧而十分烦恼。He was troubled by religious doubt.

他在国王的傲慢面前心存疑惧。His mind boggles at the king's arrogance.

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中国崛起后会不会称霸等无不给他们疑惧。China will dominate them or not after rising made them apprehensions.

一经疑惧,事情那么就严重了。As soon as passed through the apprehensions, the matter is that serious.

假如你在你的疑惧中,只寻求爱的和平与逸乐But if in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure

同时,我们必须认识到在国内政治方面的限制以及当地的疑惧。At the same time, we must recognize domestic political constraints and local fears.

他们怀着疑惧的心理在期待着,可又不知道会发生什么事情。They waited in apprehension for something to happen, without knowing what it would be.

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那些证实了自己的疑惧的人,很多直接步入离婚法庭。And for those who find their fears were justified, many head straight to divorce court.

令人疑惧的是,竹德波的研究发现可能已经导致对癌症患者的错误治疗。There were fears that Sudbo's findings could have led to faulty treatment of cancer patients.

假如在你的疑惧中,只寻求爱的和平与逸乐,那不如掩盖你的裸露而躲过爱的筛打。Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor.

威胁、疑惧和拒绝的汪洋包围着人类那小然而永恒的岛屿,让他向未知挑战。The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man's little island of certainty challenges him to dare the unknown.

威胁、疑惧和拒绝的汪洋包围着人类那小而永恒的岛屿,让他向未知挑战。The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man’s little island of certainty challenges him to dare the unknown.

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他又是为弗勒担心,又是疑惧在众的看法,他睡不好,吃不香,觉得。What with his anxiety about Fleur, and his misgivings about the public eye, he was sleeping badly, eating little, and feeling below par.

事实上,在太平洋两岸,我们的确看到对中国的崛起以及对美中关系的未来的某些疑惧。Indeed, on both sides of the Pacific, we do see some trepidation about the rise of China and about the future of the U.S.-China relationship.

离开我受惊的时候越远我的疑惧反而越大。这种情况,未免有点反乎常情。The farther I was from the occasion of my fright, the greater my apprehensions were, which is something contrary to the nature of such things.

克林顿夫人本周说,如果她当选总统,一旦伊朗胆敢对以色列动用核武,她将毫无疑惧地将其从这个星球“彻底抹去”。Mrs Clinton said this week that, as president, she would have no qualms about “totally obliterating” Iran if it used nuclear weapons against Israel.

这会帮助消除因为纯粹的无知、毫无根据的疑惧或则冷漠而引起的任何固有的偏见和误解,从而进一步缩短何种族之间的距离。This would help to remove any in-built prejudices and misconceptions due to sheer ignorance, unfounded apprehensions or apathy and bring the different races closer.

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“安全两难”在于国际无政府状态中主权国家普遍和绝对地互相疑惧,由此引发作用——反作用恶性循环的升级。When sovereign states universally and unavoidably display their mutual doubt& fear in international anarchy and the deterioration of action& counteraction results the "security dilemma" arises.