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有些人说这是一片未开化的蛮荒之地。Some say it is wild and uncivilized.

而土耳其的南部偏远地区却是一片蛮荒之地。But farther south Turkey is on virgin turf.

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射猎活动源于人类最初的蛮荒时代。It originated in the beginning period of human beings.

埃尔热希望这部连环画讲述美国西部蛮荒地区的故事。Hergé wanted to draw cartoons about the Wild West of America.

因此,网络空间是在许多方面,一个蛮荒的边界。Therefore, the cyberspace is in many ways, an untamed frontier.

但现在,这种蛮荒网络上恣意妄为的行径正在法庭上受到挑战。But now these ways of the wild, wild web are being tested in court.

在这个蛮荒和孤寂的地方,也像地球上任何其它地方一样有着勃勃的生机。This is as wild and lonely as life gets pretty much anywhere on the planet.

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一个蛮荒的世界,到处是荒野、峭壁和贫瘠的植被。It is a savage world, filled with badlands and bluffs and hardscrabble vegetation.

她曾听说在长城以外,无信仰的蛮荒之地仍然可以找到巨人。She had heard that giants could still be found in the godless wild beyond the Wall.

西北蛮荒之地,大口吃肉大碗喝酒之余,倒不忘小花小草小情小调,难得。In northwest such boondocks , besides meat and wine, there're flower and grass. Rare.

在堪察加半岛蛮荒的边疆,偷猎让俄罗斯熊处于危险之中。In the untamed frontier of the Kamchatka Peninsula, poaching keeps the bears at risk.

很久以前,那些居住在北美大陆蛮荒之地的人们开始流传这个故事。Long ago, the people who settled in undeveloped areas of America first told tall tales.

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而有线电视仍被视作一块充满诸如摔跤手和电视布道者的蛮荒之地。Cable is still viewed as a rather wild frontier populated by wrestlers and televangelists.

南乔治亚是一块处女蛮荒地,虽然曾经被开发却又在成为无人破坏的地域。South Georgia is a virgin wilderness that lost its virginity yet is becoming virginal again.

沿着蛮荒的大平洋海岸,喧闹的海鸥和鸬鹚守卫着晒太阳的海狮。Along the wild Pacific coast, gulls and cormorants stand raucous guard above basking sea lions.

无论是外环、还是蛮荒的未知星域,随着越来越多的星球渴求稳定,帝国将不断壮大。The Empire will grow as more planets feel the call, from the Rim to the wilds of unknown space.

维吉尔笔下的牧童终于认清了爱神,发现他原来是蛮荒野人。The shepherd in Virgule grew at last acquainted with Love, and found him a native of the rocks.

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人类社会,从原始蛮荒到现代文明,经历了由低级到高级、由简单到复杂的进化过程。Human community goes through low-grade to high-grade and simple to complicate developmental process.

押韵是禁锢着诗歌真正自由的,蛮荒时代才有的限制。Rhymes are barbarous forms of constraint that impinge upon the true freedom of the body of the poem.

到了1810年,俄亥俄州、田纳西州和肯塔基州已经从蛮荒之地转变成了由农场和城镇组成的地区。By 1810 Ohio, Tennessee, and Kentucky had been transformed from wilderness into a region of farms and towns.