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在提前进行投票的州里,官员们报告的投票人数创下记录。Officials in early voting states are reporting record turnouts.

州里似乎有关于稀树大草原多种花色鲜明植物的早期记录。Seems like there were early records of savanna blazing star in the state.

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我觉得因电影波州里得在偏远破旧的地区拍摄已把我训练得比较坚强。I feel that I've become tough by filming in torn-down areas in movie "Paju."

直到今年之前,在一个可信赖的共和党州里,本内特几乎没遇到任何挑战。Until this year, in a reliably Republicanstate, Bennett faced few challenges.

在这些州里,许多青少年根本不认为他们需要一个高中文凭。In this state, lots of teenagers just don't think they need a high school diploma.

基勒下士的遗体后来被运回安葬在康乃狄格州里奇菲尔德。Corporal Keeler's remains were later returned for burial at Ridgefield, Connecticut.

我们在州里几乎所有的老兵俱乐部,银行开业典礼,摩托车酒吧包括下等酒店里表演过。We sang at Veterans clubs and bank openings, and biker bars and honky-tonks all over the state.

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加利福尼亚的的短期信用贷款额度已经枯竭,州里正在申请紧急联邦贷款。Short-term credit has dried up in California, and the state is asking for emergency federal loans.

这事最后在州里传了一个星期——卡通画,社论和体育电台的闲聊。The story ended up blanketing the state for a week—cartoons, editorials, and sports radio chatter.

尽管我本人从没参加过此类竞选,但通过参加州里德莫莱的选举,我对政治有了更多的了解。I learned more about politics by participating in the state DeMolay election, though I never ran myself.

这辆卡车是在维吉尼亚州里士满的一个旅店外面的停车场里被盗走的,后来在另外一家旅店外面被找回。The truck was taken from a hotel parking lot in Richmond, Virginia, and was recovered outside another hotel.

其他的民主党人如密苏里州的克莱尔马克卡斯基尔在那些支持枪支管理议案的州里参加改选的形势严峻。Others, such as Claire McCaskill of Missouri, are facing difficult re-election battles in gun-friendly states.

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我还去了艾奥瓦州的得梅因,我被邀请在州里和当地的官员举行了一个民主党研讨会发表演讲,那是我第一次去得梅因。I went to Des Moines, Iowa, for the first time, to speak to a Democratic Party workshop for state and local officials.

在每一个州里,55岁到64岁年龄组的人比超过65岁的人有更高的肥胖率,是医疗保险制度的一个不祥的预兆。In every state, the 55-to-64 age group has a higher rate of obesity than people over 65, an ominous sign for Medicare.

Bellick要电工立即换掉保险丝,但电工称他必须要向州里报告,还要填写文件。Bellick wants the fuse changed immediately, but the electrician says he has to notify the state and fill out paperwork.

州里安排她给Lincoln做身体检查以确定他足够健康可以执行死刑,这还不讽刺吗,她对这事很困惑。She’s non-plussed to be there to perform the ironic task of making sure Lincoln is healthy enough for the state to kill him.

至于瓦尔多斯塔州立大学,它本身就是这个州里“最吸引人的校园”,以校园内的自然景观闻名。Referring to itself as the “most attractive campus” in the state, Valdosta State University is noted for its natural scenery.

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麦凯恩竞选团队负责人瑞克.戴维斯表示,在那些关键的州里,包括俄亥俄、佛罗里达和维吉尼亚,谁胜谁负,现在还不好说。McCain campaign manager Rick Davis says the key states of Ohio, Florida and Virginia, which voted Republican in 2004, are still in play.

修复的花费有可能达到1000万美元,州里正在申请联邦灾害救助,Kempton说。The cost of the repairs would likely run into the tens of millions of dollars, and the state was seeking federal disaster aid, Kempton said.

我们延长了老年活动中心的开放时间,用州里和联邦政府的资金为老人们买来电风扇,租来空调,并帮助缴纳电费。We kept the senior centers open longer and provided state and federal money to buy electric fans, rent air conditioners, and help pay electric bills.