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气温骤然下降。The temperature suddenly dropped.

在那个地点,悬崖骤然变得陡峭起来。The cliff drops away at that point.

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最近几天,气温骤然上升。The temperature spurts in recent days.

温度计的水银柱骤然下降到零下十二度。The mercury dived to twelve below zero.

去年十一月份,该指数曾骤然跌落至38.8。The index had plummeted to 38.8 in November.

下了一阵霜,天气就骤然变冷了。Cold weather set in abruptly with a killing frost.

在纽约,这里已骤然入夏。Here in New York, we’ve been catapulted into summer.

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砰地一声,病房的门骤然被推开。Bang floor is a , the gate of sickroom is shoved away.

浮浮沉沉的爱恋骤然消失在春天。The fluctuating love disappears in the spring suddenly.

结果验尸的数量骤然下降。In consequence, the number of postmortems has fallen quickly.

视觉器官的温度骤然升高,在最后的关头起了决定作用。Super heated vision makes the difference in the final attack.

一旦离开这个峡谷,她就会像空谷回音一样骤然凋零。Take it away from this valley and you will see it fade like an echo.

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轮到我陪赛巴斯蒂安玩的时候,我才骤然领悟到这句话的精辟之处。I suddenly understood that when it was my turn to entertain Sebastian.

那一瞬间,我的心骤然缩成一团,眼泪迅速打湿了睫毛。That moment, my heart suddenly curled, the tears quickly wet eyelashes.

我骤然就觉得自身像个华美的木偶,演尽了一起的悲欢离合。I suddenly feel myself like a doll, acting all kinds of joys and sorrows.

我的声音逐渐微弱了下来,因为我看到诺贝尔先生的脸上骤然泛起怒色。I trailed off, as I saw Sefior Nobel's face suddenly turn red with anger.

DVD销量骤然跌落,因为我们大家都流视频或者邮购光盘。Sales have plummeted because we all stream our video or get discs bymail.

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绝经期后,当雌激素水平骤然下降,一些女性开始变得健忘。After menopause, when estrogen levels plummet, some women become forgetful.

前成员说他如果在衣服上嗅出一丁点肥皂味就会骤然爆发。Former members say he erupts volcanically if he sniffs soap on his clothes.

此事骤然发生在我身上,这是一个震惊。"When it happened to me, it was a shock, " the oncologist tells Terry Gross.