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感觉很舒心,感谢小屹分享。Thanks for sharing the nice music!

然而我们应该舒心一点。We should probably be relieved anyway.

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我还记得是因为那让我感到舒心,我会心的笑了。I remember this because it made me smile.

穿得舒心是件很开心的事。It's fun to feel good and fancy in your clothes.

他的锹凿开了坚实的砂土,发出令人舒心的嘎扎声。His spade cleaved the firm sand with a satisfying crunch.

天还是那么蓝,云还是那么白,总之让人觉得舒心。Sky is blue, and cloud is milky , which makes one feel good.

如今,我所祷告的那位神主赐予了我爱、愉悦与舒心。The higher power I now pray to gives me love, joy and comfort.

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我在这里生活了许多年,生活在这里让人很舒心。I've lived here for many years. This is very cheerful place to live.

如果外面阳光灿烂的话,还可以跑到阳台上,舒心地享受你的热巧克力与美餐。If the sun is out, enjoy your hot chocolate and meal out on the verandah.

西班牙人没有防备心的性格和自信使他非常的舒心。The Spaniard's disarming humility and confidence has brought him some joy.

有了狠心的“小舍”,才可能有舒心的“大得”。With the hard -hearted "small homes" before they feel there may be "too big.

我们算然不需要像僧侣一样誓言贫穷才活的舒心。We don't have to live like monks and take a vow of poverty to live comfortably.

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一般是在一边放一盆花卉,使餐厅生气盎然,感到舒心。It is to put a flowers aside commonly, make dining-room exuberant , feel Shu Xin.

按摩师用不同的手法会让您舒心,愉快呦!Massage teacher use different tactics will make you comfortable and pleasant things!

风轻柔的扑来,听着舒心的音乐,想起另一个城市的你!The wind gently come, listen to soothing music, reminiscent of another city for you!

我们的动力源自您的舒适与舒心翠峰大酒店热诚欢迎阁下的光临!Our dynamic and enjoyable from the comfort of your Verde Hotel warm welcome you here!

很少有乐趣比得上一本好书,一次舒心的散步,一个温馨拥抱或一个好友。There are few joys that equal a good book, a good walk, a good hug, or a good friend.

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虽然我字写得不怎么样,但是练字的时候我内心感到非常地舒心和平静。Although I am not good at it, I feel very comfortable and peace in heart when copying.

愿宽慰善言,舒心触抚,暖意笑容与君相随每一天。May a kind of world, a reassuring touch, a warm smile be yours every day of your life.

薄荷油能够提供令人舒心的薄荷味道并且让人感觉不到大蒜味。The peppermint extract provides a soothing mint flavor and helps mask the garlic odor.