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因此,对矿区内老采空区必须进行处理。So the mined-out areas must be treated.

永城矿区某矿排水钻孔设计孔深584。A drainage borehole designed depth is 584.

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矿区水文地质条件简单。The hydrogeology condition of mining area is simple.

在浓烟密布的矿区,有很多黄褐色的房子。There are many drab houses in the Smokey mining town.

在珠瓦纳钻石矿区满载矿石的卡车。Trucks are loaded with rocks at the Jwaneng diamond mine.

立桩标出他所发现的矿区地以示归己所有。The prospector staked his claim to the mine he discovered.

阳泉矿区瓦斯含量大,涌出量大。Yangquan mining area has high gas content and gas emission.

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层间滑动带在泗顶矿区非常发育。There are many interlayer sliding belts in Siding Pb-Zn mine.

在撒哈拉以南的矿区,一位身份不明的男子正在寻找锡矿。An unidentified man searches for tin ore at a sub-Saharan mine.

苏州高岭土矿包括阳东、阳西、观山三个矿区。Suzhou kaolin deposits are distributed within three minefields.

向矿区全体干部职工致以亲切的问候!All the staff to the mining area to extend my cordial greetings!

建造T矿精炼厂,并让他面对最近的T矿矿区。Build Refinery, place it down facing the nearest Tiberium Field.

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煤矿自燃矸石山是矿区一大污染源。Burning waste heap is one of the major air pollution sources in.

吐拉苏-也里莫墩矿带是西天山地区重要金矿成矿区。Tulasu-Yelimodun ore belt is an important gold metallogenic area.

矿区服务因油而生、因油而兴。The Mining services' birth and development are for and by the oil.

“贝恩·马拉”这个名字令科舍尔香料矿区的囚犯闻之色变。The inmates of the Kessel spice mines dreaded the name Bane Malar.

峰峰矿区是华北大水矿区,水害严重威胁着下组煤层的开采。Fengfeng coal mine is a large groundwater flow mine in North China.

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在分矿区部署勘探车并且等待他部署。Deploy Emissary near your Expansion Field and wait for it to deploy.

这是世界上为数不多生产蓝钻的矿区之一。This is one of the only mines in the world to produce blue diamonds.

广泛分布于我国西部的矿区。It is popular distributed in west coal mine re-qions province, China.