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他被指控受贿。He was charged with bribery.

他因受贿受到惩办。He was punished for taking bribes.

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安徽马鞍山市副市长因受贿入狱。Former vice mayor jailed for taking bribes.

法官因受贿而被检举。The judge was impeached for taking a bribe.

他有时堕落到受贿的地步。He occasionally condescended to take bribes.

至于易欺,那是比受贿还坏的。To gain influence over or corrupt by bribery.

他忠诚老实,不肯受贿。He is so honest that he will not accept bribe.

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那位官员因受贿被参。The official was impeached for taking a bribe.

行贿者描写了群落首领的受贿举动。the briber described the tribe head's bribery.

上海市环保局原副局长严舜钧受贿被判11年。Official gets 11 yrs in jail for taking bribes.

市长因受贿而降低了自己的身份。The mayor lowered himself by accepting a bribe.

这名官员因受贿而辱没自己。The official demeaned himself by accepting the bribe.

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那个警察贪赃受贿,以饱私囊。The policeman has lined his pockets by taking bribes.

他因受贿而被谴谪回家。He was banished back home because of accepting bribes.

那个受贿人因怕被人发觉而经常提心吊胆。The grafter was haunted by the fear of being discovered.

一位著名法官因受贿已被取消了从业资格。An eminent judge has been disbarred for accepting bribes.

这官员因受贿被免职。The official was dismissed from office for taking bribes.

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陈双全受贿优先考虑国有企业。Chen Shuangquan's bribery gave domestic enterprises priority.

他因不安全药物受贿而判罪。He was found guilty of curruption for approving unsafe drugs.

过去,城南市有三位市长因为受贿被捕。In the past, Seongnam Three arrested in bribery because the mayor.