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然而,所有这些不过是说辞而已。Yet this is all just rhetoric.

每个人都各有各的说辞。Each person explained it in their own way.

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首先,你需要实际演练你的演讲说辞。First, you’ll need to practice your speech.

他把全部演说辞收录在案,但是又简化它。He has recorded whole speeches, but miniature one.

如果底特律得偿所愿,那么每个人都会有一套说辞。If Detroit gets money, then everyone would have a case.

这是个非常明显的他固有的老套说辞。Well, this is hugely stereotypical, hugely appropriative.

我们还能找到什么尚未用尽的说辞呢?What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted?

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好吧——这些都是官方说辞,来自俄罗斯电视节目的描述。Well—that's the official version, as told by Russian television.

这套说辞对骗子和窃贼同样适用。It could just as well apply to a racketeer or a thief who robs you.

这对于华盛顿是个两全的政治说辞,但却很难作为一种理想的操作政策来实行。That is politically handy in Washington, but hardly ideal as a policy.

谢东、胡劲松的电话会议中,他们给出了同样的说辞。In the call meeting with Xie Dong and Hu Jessie they gave the similar words.

政策制定者们常常嘲笑外交家的承诺和半真半假的说辞。Policymakers often sneer at diplomats for their compromises and half-truths.

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我对霍尔姆斯的抨击感到惊讶,因为这与他以前的说辞自相矛盾。Holmes’s attack surprised me, because it contradicted his earlier statements.

在随后与谢东、胡劲松的电话会议中,他们给出了同样的说辞。In the call meeting with Xie Dong and Hu Jessie, they gave the similar words.

这就是我们认为灵魂可分裂时,作为灵魂理论者的说辞。Well,this is all what we would say as soul theorists if we think souls can split.

现在你没有必要为美国经典演说辞而苦恼。Now you don't have to be dealing with classic American oratory to run into problems.

但如果卢旺达人民胆敢质疑爱国阵线关于1994年卢旺达大屠杀的说辞,就可能遭到监禁。But any Rwandan citizen who doubted the RPF's version of the genocide could face jail.

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这里没有什么“市场失灵”的问题能成为管制农业的说辞。There is no \"market failure\" problem that would justify regulating the farm industry.

当法兰克要签贷款合约的时候,银行就换另一种说辞。Frank was about to sign the loan papers when the bank began to whistle a different tune.

没有冠冕堂皇的说辞,只是想以行动,去实现一个可以实现的愿望。No high-sounding rhetoric, just want to take action to achieve an attainable aspiration.