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我耸耸肩。I shrug.

他耸耸肩。He shrugs.

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我耸了耸肩。I shrugged.

她耸耸肩。She shrugs.

然而,他耸了耸肩。He shrugged.

Bob耸了耸肩。Bob shrugged.

马萨耸耸肩。Massa shrugs.

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米克耸耸肩。Mick shrugged.

再耸耸肩。Happy shrugs again.

米克又耸耸肩。Mick shrugged again.

她耸耸肩,然后上车。She shrugs and gets in.

但是他只是耸耸肩。But all he did was shrug.

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他耸耸肩,漠不关心的样子。He shrugs, indifferently.

她耸了耸肩,走了。She shrugs and walks away.

男人无望地耸了耸肩。The Man shrugged helplessly.

安灼拉耸了耸肩头。Enjolras shrugged his shoulders.

就耸肩来说,他就是一个王八蛋。He was a cunt for the shrugging.

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我耸耸肩,然后更换了话题。I shrug, and change the subject.

宠儿耸了耸肩。Favourite shrugged her shoulders.

他对裁判的判罚耸了耸肩。He shrugged at the referee's sentence.