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它只是为了生殖?Is it just for procreation?

就如我们常用的说法,火星和金星,粉女和蓝男,除了生殖能力,男人和女人甚少有共同点。Mars and Venus. Pink and blue.

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武汉男性生殖整形医院?Wuhan male reproductive plastic hospital?

对生殖有很大的影响。B. P. A. has great effect on reproduction.

生殖卫生和研究司正根据评估结果开发更广泛的性和生殖卫生法律和政策工具,并将于2010年广泛提供这一工具。The tool will be widely available in 2010.

生殖聚集形成配子。Gonads are aggregations of developing gametes.

世间哪有什么爱情,纯粹是生殖冲动。The world what love, pure impulse is reproduction.

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这是一张女性生殖系统的图片This is a picture of the female reproductive tract.

它们的生殖阶段完全停止下来。That is a shutting down of their reproductive phase.

一些邻苯二甲酸盐物质被归为第2类生殖有害物质。Some phthalates is classified as repro . toxic category 2

无融合生殖在育种工作中具有潜在的应用价值。The practical value of apomixis in plant breeding is rem.

几乎所有这类雄性老鼠生殖器官都有缺陷。Almost all the male mice in this group had genital defects.

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男性生殖系统制造、保存和传送精子。The male reproductive system makes, stores and moves sperm.

在医学术语,这也是众所周知的所谓泌尿生殖系统。In medical terms, this is known as the genitourinary system.

一朵花内仅具雄性或雌性生殖部分。With either male or female reproductive parts, but not both.

男女有着不同的无意识的生殖动机。Men and women have different unconscious reproductive motives.

生殖系统包括交媾器和生殖器本部。The reproductive system consists of mating and genital organs.

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罗哲西说,“有袋类动物只是选择了一条不同的生殖策略。”Marsupials just optioned for a different reproductive strategy.

孢于在生殖过程中形成类脂膜。Spores form a lipid membrane during the process of reproducing.

起源于珠心的体细胞无孢子生殖胚囊的发育属于山柳菊型。The development of embryo sac of apospory is of Hieracium type.