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人类的知识似乎越来越细碎化了。Human knowledge seems to grow fractally.

再见了,那年细碎少年,不在了,已经过去。Goodbye, that fine young, not in, has in the past.

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此外我没有发现这里有任何细碎的植物生命。I could not recognize any of the splintery plant life here.

请你把桌上那些零琐细碎的工具都收拾起来吧。Will you please tidy up all the odds and ends on the table.

但这条信息也唤起我对那个班级的孩子们的一些细碎记忆。But it also reminds me of the classes were some fine memory.

充满了味道浓郁的细碎肉的蒸饺,太好吃了。Steamed dumpling filled with savoury mince, a Chinese rissole, too good.

在细碎机传动方面,我们认为可以延拓的理论实在太多。In finely machine drive, we think can extension theory is really too much.

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适用于石灰石、炉渣、焦碳、煤等物料的中碎、细碎作业。Used in the primary and secondary crushing of chalk, cinder, coke and coal.

这些食物本身无碍,我们得知,切得细细碎碎的就行。Both these foods were fine to eat, we were told, as long as they were cut up.

而另外的图片文件则是一些细碎的线条艺术,图片里面显示的就是许多不同的国旗。Others are small, detailed pieces of line art bearing various national flags.

任何细碎时间都熬炼英语才力的好时机!Any spare moment could be a great opportunity to exercise your English skills.

那儿的空气竟然无预警地开始发出细碎的爆裂声和电流的劈啪声,就像是一股强劲的能量漩涡在那旋绕著。The air itself seemed to crackle and sputter as a vortex of energy began to swirl.

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这些细碎的文字掩映出些许灿烂的幸福和明媚的忧伤。These scattered pieces in my blog cover or show some bright happiness and sadness.

立式冲击破碎机用于中硬物料的细碎加工。Vertical shaft impact crusher is used in fine crushing of medium and hard materials.

开心就像阳光下的银杏,风一吹著便闪烁著细碎的笑声。Happy just like ginkgo of sunshine, wind glimmer in small, broken bits laugh once blowing.

你在十字架的顶端放上一颗不甜的糖,于是我的眼里有了细碎的星芒。You put a bitter candy on the top of the crucifix , so there is some starlight in my eyes.

我公司所生产鄂式细碎机也颇广大新老用户的青睐。I company produces the hubei type finely machine also quite broad new old customer's favour.

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清理那些床下的细碎积存的垃圾,不要再睡在过去的废物上面了。Remove all clutter and storage from under your bed and stop sleeping on stuff from the past.

而细碎不定形的大量色斑、色点与色线在画面各处游动、闪烁,更呈现出珠宝般的富丽与华贵。Sometimes, I paint with wet brushes to create a massive piece of color, creating a secret sense.

有些细碎机工程师说,这些我们都想尝试,以期获得更好的技术参数。Some finely machine engineer said these we all want to try, to obtain better technology parameters.