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这种威胁还开门见山地直奔底线。The threat goes straight to the bottom line, too.

接下来你要做的是,开门见山地要求读者进行评论。The next thing you need to do is specifically ask for comments.

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让我们开门见山地说吧。维克多想买一些印第安文物。Let's get right to thte point. Victor wants to buy Indian objects.

他们通常开门见山,观点清晰,结论明确。They usually have a simple opening, a clear point and a conclusion.

大家都是熟人,我们就开门见山吧。As we are familiar with each other, let's come straight to the point.

医生开门见山的说,桑德拉随时可能会死。A brutally honest doctor said that Sandra could drop dead at any time.

但我在琢磨,也许是因为我开门见山地问她,令她感到尴尬。But I was wondering if maybe I embarrassed her by asking her right out.

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职工代表赫林开门见山地对记者说。Herring straight to the point the staff representatives, told reporters.

让我开门见山吧。小天狼星布莱克从阿兹卡班逃走了,他想来找你?Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?

开门见山,并通过删除不必要的单词和词组来保持简历的简洁。Cut to the chase and keep it simple by eliminating extraneous words and phrases.

而且,如果不能开门见山、轻松松地得到答案,他们的眼睛马上就会呆钝起来。And if don't get easy answers straight away, their eyes immediately start to glaze over.

兰迪开门见山地承认诊断结果,并将他的CT扫描图展示给观众看。Randy addressed his diagnosis head-on by showing slides of his CT scans to the audience.

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“我明白了,他还不够成熟,”雅各布的妻子开门见山地说。"I see he isn't quite ripe yet, " Jacob's wife said with her predictable lack of preamble.

“那好吧,”汤普生先生用他最动人的声音说,“我看我们还是开门见山的好。”Well, now, " said Mr. Thompson in his most carrying voice, "I guess we'd better talk turkey. "

这本书去开门见山,涵盖所有短期交易的基本要素。The book goes straight to the point covering all the essential elements for short-term trading.

李剑开门见山找赵耀祖借粮,赵耀祖推诿,李剑说那只好巧取豪夺了。Keyboard begin looking for Zhao Yaozu borrow grain, Zhao Yaozu shuffle, keyboard said it had to steal.

胡振宇向妻子开门见山,说明了自己对智怡的爱意,而自己娶她只是为了得到其父亲的提携。Hu Zhenyu to his wife to explain oneself of Zhiyi love, and they marry her just to help get his father.

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这里有些精确的技术原理,这些音为何会和谐与不和谐,让我开门见山地说吧There are precise technical reasons why these are the way they are, but let me try to cut to the chase here.

许多大型的连锁健身馆会在你首次加入时就要求签订协议,而在一些更小型的场馆,只要你开门见山提出要求,它们就会给你打折。Many bigger gym chains offer deals when you first join and a smaller facility might reduce your fees if you ask up front.

考利有点秃顶而且是个水桶胸,他的肯塔基口音非常重,他讲话开门见山直截了当。Cauley is slightly balding and barrel-chested, and his Kentucky accent is thick, his speech plainspoken and straightforward.