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景泰,我的家乡。I love my hometown forever.

景泰有许多名胜古迹。There are many places of interesting in Jing tai.

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有收藏的古董古玩,像景泰花瓶、钧瓷、清中期的鎏金花盆等。Have collection of antique curio, like Jingtai vases, Jun, pots of gold and so on.

白云区党委、政府驻地在景泰街广园中路。Baiyun district party committee and government resident in Jingtai Street-Park Road.

我们中文称它们为“景泰蓝”,因为这种工艺是在明朝景泰年间始创的。We call them Jingtailan in Chinese, because the craft was developed in the reign of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty.

本文研究了甘肃景泰6.2级地震的活动图象及其特征。该次地震的类型属主震余震型。On Oct. 20. 1990, there occurred a earthquake with magnitude of 6.2 in Jingtai area, Gansu. which is main—aftershock type.

“景泰花园”项目是江铃汽车集团江西江铃房地产股份有限公司拟开发的大盘中高档住宅项目。The Jingtai Garden Real Estate Project is a midst & high-leveled resident Project to be developed by Jiangxi Jiangling Real Estate Corp.

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由于天顺帝不承认景泰帝为皇帝,故将其将他葬于北京西郊。Emperor Jingtai was also not buried here as the Emperor Tianshun had denied Jingtai an imperial burial but was instead buried west of Beijing.

景泰嘉园开发商北京嘉业住房股份有限公司是由北京住总集团发起成立的股份制企业。King Jiayuan housing developers Beijing Ka Yip, Inc. is initiating the formation of the group from Beijing to live total shareholding enterprises.

该系统在2006年对甘肃景泰扬水系统运行检修与维护人员自动化培训中取得了较好的效果。The system achieved gratifying effect in automation technique training of equipment maintenance and repair workers of Jintai water pumping system in 2006.

古代铜器上的羊纹样,大多以浮雕或立雕形式出现。图为明朝景泰掐丝珐琅三羊尊。Sheep motifs on ancient bronzes mostly appear in low relief or in the round. Shown here is a Ming dynasty cloisonne enamel jar with a design of three sheep.

广东省南海县佛山镇从明景泰年间崛起,有清一代,成为岭南一大都会,与汉口、朱仙、景德镇并称为“天下四大名镇”。Foshan is a famous town of Nanhai County in Guangdong Provinc, which had grown up in Ming dynasty and became a great economical capital in Lingnan area in Qing dynasty.

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试验采用施N、施P2O5、播量二因子优化组合设计,在张掖和景泰对甘春20号春小麦产量和品质的影响进行了研究。Effects of the combinations of sowing amount, N and P2O5 application on the yield and quality of Ganchun No. 20 spring wheat in different irrigation regions of Zhangye and Jingtai.

对景泰苜蓿种子田节肢动物群落进行了系统调查,基本查清了景泰苜蓿种子田节肢动物的种类及其组成。The species and their occurrence were found out basically through the systematic investigation on the arthropod community in seed field of alfalfa in Jingtai County, Baiyin, China.

本文依据天祝—景泰6.2级地震的地震构造、应力场条件及前兆分布,分析研究了该次地震的孕震过程。According to the seismotectonics, stress field condition and distribution of precursor, we have studied the seismogenic process of Tianzhu—Jingtai earthquake with Ms6.2 in this paper.

首先从房地产行业的绩效管理现状分析出发,详细描述了景泰房地产公司绩效管理现状并对存在问题进行细致分析。At beginning, it analyses the real estate's current situation of performance management . Then, it describes the Jingtai real estate company's existing problems and made a analytical research.