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公元393年,皇帝狄奥多西一世,一个基督教徒,把奥运会当作异教徒的表演出明令加以禁止。In 393 A. D. Emperor Theodosius I, who was a Christian, banned the Games as pagan shows.

甚至在一些不明令要求提供婚姻过失细节的大州,有些人们却得这麽做。Some people provide details when they seek divorces even in states where they are not legally obliged to.

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元代至明初,朝廷明令推行纸币,禁止白银作为货币流通。During Yuan Dynasty to early Ming Dynasty, the government forbade silver as currency by introduction and promotion of paper currency.

元代至明初,朝廷明令推行纸币,禁止白银作为货币流通。From Yuan to the early Ming dynasties, the imperial court made the policy of using paper currency, forbidding the circulation of silver.

他们问玥爱对志明的感受,玥爱指是志明令她做错事,决定要在脸书上,删除与他的联系。They asked he love feel about tzu chi Ming, if he love means is expressly she do wrong, decided to take on facebook, delete contact with him.

如山东省胶东地区,政府已明令全部取缔红砖市场,强制使用加汽砖。Such as in Shandong Province Shandong region, the Government has explicitly banned all red brick market, force the use of additional steam brick.

元代至明初,朝廷明令推行纸币,禁止白银作为货币流通。然而,在这一时期的小说戏曲中,白银在日常生活和交易中的使用却随处可见。In the Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, the imperial governments issued banknotes and forbade the circulation of silver as currency by official order.

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“小灵通”本来政府是明令不许发展的,但是其实又得到政府的默许,暗中支持。" air shower " government whether explicit order forbid development actually, but actually got the government's silent approvement, support in the dark.

第二个指向是若干文本的合称,即被帝国最高当局明令认可的采用第一种指向所指称之体裁的有限的几本史著。The second point is the special appellation of some texts of the empire history in anna&biography style which were licenced by the emperors or the empires.

三月,新泽西州成为第一个通过相关立法的州,明令招聘单上罗列着有工作的人在申请和雇佣方面优先权的行为非法。In March, New Jersey became the first state to adopt a law making it illegal to post job listings that make current employment a condition of applying or being hired.

明令取消罚款指标、严格执行罚缴分离、实施新的勤务考核办法是解决罚款指标问题的有效办法。Openly canceling the penalty index, strictly separating penalty from payment, implementing new duty check means is a successful solution to the problem of penalty index.

这类乡里村学虽因国家明令而设置,实际上却属于特殊意义上的私学,带有官助民办的性质。Although the setting up of such schools was clearly regulated by the country's law, they were in fact special private schools and set up by the folk forces under official help.

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法律硕士是我国唯一一个在全国范围内明令不准本专业报考的研究生专业。Legal Master is the graduate student major that our country forbids this major one to enter oneself for an examination in the public proclamation inside countrywide limits only.

这样不仅没有人明令采取紧急的修补,反而有人想在2020年之前换掉这座桥。这再也平常不过了。因为这个指令没有意味着什么危险。That didn't result in an emergency repair order, but rather an intention to replace the bridge by 2020 — not unusual, evidently, since the designation doesn't suggest imminent danger.

禁止生产国家明令淘汰的农药、兽药、农业机械等农业生产资料。The production of such agricultural means of production as pesticides, veterinary drugs and agricultural machinery, which the State has publicly ordered to be obsolete, shall be forbidden.

有一个时期,美国人民燃放鞭炮、烟火庆贺国庆,20世纪以后,政府为防止发生人身事故和火灾明令取消了这种形式。There was a time when America's National Day celebration, fireworks set off firecrackers, 20th century, the government in order to prevent the accidents and fire happened this form by cancelled.

美国目前只有12州将合成大麻列为禁药,海军官校所在的马里兰州虽未禁止,但军方已明令含军校生在内的军人不得吸食。Only 12 U. S. states as the synthetic cannabinoid drugs, the Naval Academy, Maryland, where although not prohibited, but the military has explicitly with the military cadets, including not smoking.