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其中不可避免地将会有一个大浪淘沙的过程。There will inevitably be a sorting-out process.

其中较常见但较有趣-品牌低音号渔船是大浪淘沙。One of the more common – but less interesting – brands of bass fishing boat is the Ebbtide.

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浪淘沙经过重新装修,以崭新的面貌,展现在各界人士面前。Lang Taosha been renovated , with a new look, to show in front of people from all walks of life.

计算机时代的的半个世纪,而在大浪淘沙般的语言史上只是惊鸿一瞥。But half a century, though aeons in computer time, is an instant in the sweep of language history.

在大浪淘沙的竟争时代,稳健而行,表现杰出,风格独树一帜。In this era of intensive competition, the company operates steadily in its remarkable performance.

隆大公司的发展理念为“隆立基础大浪淘沙”,热忱愿与管道行业的同行们进行广泛的交流和合作。The development idea of Longda Company is 'a solid foundation will help survive in severe competition'.

在大浪淘沙和变幻莫测的竞争中,我们恪受心中的信念,珍惜每一个人。In the Lang Tao Sha verse and the unpredictable competition, we receive in heart's faith respectfully, treasures each person.

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买方市场的形成,微利时代的到来,对我国民营企业起到了一次大浪淘沙的作用。Buyers' market's formation, the meager profit time's arrival, played a Lang Tao Sha verse role to our country Private enterprise.

只要你打定主意削减一张片子的信息总量,大浪淘沙,剩下的一定是金子,一定会更加扼要、更加整洁、更明白易懂。When you stay determined to pare down the amount of information on a slide, what remains is more condensed, uncluttered, and intelligible.

大浪淘沙,只要韩寒认真淘,多少都会发现些被埋没的金子,“改善一下供稿者的生活”。As long as he selected carefully, the inconspicuous writers will be spotted out and their living condition will be improved to a certain extent.

这些价值是西方文明在经历了历史的大浪淘沙后的精华,是西方核心的政治价值。In this process, western central political values were mould, which being order freedom equality and democracy. They were essence that experienced the history selection.

那么,互联网企业应如何做才能在激烈的市场竞争中茁壮成长呢,应该采取什么样的市场竞争策略,才在大浪淘沙中生存和发展的呢?So how should the Internet companies do to thrive in the fierce market competition, should adopt what kind of market competition strategy, to the survival and development in the ebb tide?

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未来的市场将会逐步科学和健康化,商场如同大浪淘沙,那些管理落后、专业水平低的企业终将被市场所淘汰。The prospective market will be scientific and normalize gradually. Like a mighty wave crashing on a sandy shore, some enterprises with backward management and poor specialty level will be washed out.