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你的词汇量是有限的Your vocabulary is finite.

我们还需要一本词汇索引。We also need a concordance.

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新高中物理科词汇。NSS Physics Curriculum's term.

汉语词汇是一个开放性的系统。Chinese lexis is an open system.

甚至他的词汇都是二元论。Even his vocabulary is Manichaean.

这是一个词汇分析器生成器Flex, a lexical analyzer generator

营销是现在的时髦词汇。E-marketing is the current buzzword.

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许多英语词汇是外来语。Many English words come from abroad.

英语将肮脏这一词汇妖魔化了。The English language demonises dirt.

瑜珈,咖哩粉是来自印度的词汇。Yoga and curry are words from India.

这是扩大你的词汇量和发现新的表达法的最佳方法。vocabulary and find new expressions.

每种行业都有它的专业词汇。Each field has its own terminologies.

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人们使用诸如“慢吞吞的”、“懒洋洋的”这类词汇。They used words like lazy or slothful.

是的。调用我所知道的词汇…Yep. mixing with the vocabulary I know.

读书能帮助提高词汇量。Reading helps you build your vocabulary.

问题可能在于这个词汇本身。The problem might be in the word itself.

使用你的拼写词汇创作一首打游诗。Write a question for five of your words.

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不要用多余词汇和限制性短语。Avoid extra words and qualifying phrases.

事实上三光是一个中国词汇。In fact a three-lights is a Chinese word.

特纳用隐喻的词汇谈到它。Turner spoke of it in metaphorical terms.