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这就是一个抛物线方程。That is a parabola.

等温线的方程了。That's the isotherm here.

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高次维里方程。High-order virial equation.

一个方程两未知数。One equation with two unknowns.

方程的解就是落地时间That's when it hits the ground.

这些方程真的很神奇So the equations are very smart.

现在就变成一个关于x和y的方程了。It becomes a function of x and y.

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我必须解出这道三次方程。I must work out the cubic equation.

让我们来认真看看这个方程Let's really look at this equation.

现在来解方程So let's find out what the time is.

求方程的解的过程叫做解方程。What does it mean to solve equation.

这只是个傻瓜式a方程。Well, this is only a stupid equation.

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推到这些方程也非常直接。And they're straightforward to derive.

也许我应当把这个方程框起来。Well, maybe I should box this formula.

这是你会看到的另外一种,克劳修斯-克拉珀龙方程。So that's another form that you'll see.

这是一个刻画温度变化规律的方程。Well, this equation governs temperature.

就是吉布斯-亥姆霍兹方程。It's called the Gibbs-Helmholtz equation.

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关于素数的方程的所有有意义的解都在一条直线上。There are a few things I want to work on.

由此得出了水合速率方程。The hydration rate equations are obtained.

证明了该方程解的时间解析性。The time analyticity of solution is proved.