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不要忽略枝节问题。Don't neglect minor issues.

不要把时间浪费在枝节事情上。Don't waste time on nonessentials.

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我们可以在星期五处理枝节问题。We can tie up loose ends on Friday.

还没有,但现在那是相当枝节的问题。Not yet, but that's fairly irrelevant now.

讲课时不要扯到枝节上。Don't digress from the subject when lecturing.

没有必要为这样的枝节问题发愁了。There is no need to worry over such a side-issue.

柬埔寨问题肯定只是一个枝节问题。The Cambodian issue is very definitely a side issue.

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让我们略过这些枝节来谈主要问题吧。Let's skip over these details and come to the main point.

让我们略过这些枝节来谈主要问题吧。Unemployment is one of the major problem of modern times.

在枝节问题上犯不着花这么多时间。It isn't worthwhile spending so much time on minor problems.

他们在重要会议上往往扯到一些枝节问题上而回避要害问题。They often ride off on minor issues in an important meeting.

在枝节缠绕的月桂树丛的对面,传来了他尖促的声音。His squeaky voice came from beyond the tangle of saplings and laurel.

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生活世界并非现代哲学的一个枝节性概念,而是其核心概念。Life-world is the core concept of modern philosophy, not a secondary one.

因此,能源在现时经济中并非枝节问题而是一个中心问题。Therefore energy is now not a peripheral but a central issue in the economy.

年轻一代讲究的是“好玩”,管不了枝枝节节的政治问题。"Fun" is what matters to young people who couldn't care less about politics.

他不去触及要点,却扯到枝节问题上去了。He doesn't come near to touching the main point, but shies away into side issues.

他不去触及要点,却扯到枝节问题上去了。He does not come near to touching the main point, but shies away into side issues.

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当重心沿直线移动的时候,枝节就会描画出曲线的运动。When the centre of gravity is moved in a straight line, the limbs describe curves.

一刹知心的朋友,是贵在于短暂,拖长了,那份契合总有枝节。A brake bosom friend, it is valued in the short, long, that fit always have troubles.

在天线子阵的设计过程中采用了匹配枝节,增加了天线带宽。Matching branches are added to the sub-array to enhance the bandwidth of the antenna.