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头转来转去,甚至看着窗外Turns around and looks out the window.

转来转去不停止,于是石兽反而逆流而上了。Don't stop, so the beast's upstream instead.

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他于是就转来转去,你还可以四肢趴着。For there he can maneuver you onto all fours.

那根圆木在河水中转来转去。The log twiddled round and round in the river.

他的目光转来转去地看着坐在窗户旁边的男孩。His glance roved the boy sitting by the window.

回到旅馆后,我坐在泳池边,脑子里很多念头转来转去。My mind raced as I sat poolside back at the hotel.

他在街上转来转去,想找点事做。He loafed about the street looking for something to do.

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她在家里转来转去,兴奋得脸颊飞红。She at home roves , is excited the cheeks to be bright red.

波密奥在这些东西周围转来转去,偶尔还笑笑。Boemio casually walks around all of it, occasionally laughing.

他在房子周围转来转去,像一艘没有舵的小船在布满礁石的河流中飘荡。He drifted about the house like a rudderless vessel in a rocky stream.

他会一下子把马修举得高高的,在屋子里转来转去,就像飞机急速飞行那样。He would pick Matthew up and zoom him through the house like an airplane.

妈妈骑著马在我周围转来转去,左顾右盼,一脸的不安,“怎麽了?”My mother jumped around to look at me and had a nervous look on her face.

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布赖恩如同旋转舞蹈的托钵僧一样转来转去,一边拍打着蚊子一边抱怨不停。Brian was whirling like a dervish, slapping at the mosquitoes and moaning.

我就这样的看着电风扇,转来转去,什么都不做的一个人发发呆。I just looked at the electric fan, turned around, doing nothing in a daze.

迈达斯在他的宫殿里转来转去,兴高采烈地把他能碰到的东西都变成黄金。King Midas then went round his palace and in glee turned all he could to gold.

古傲眼珠子转来转去,一脸的垂涎表情。The thou Ao eye pupil son turns around, one slavering of face facial expression.

他们一起看向窗外,看着客人们在后院里转来转去。They both looked out through the window at the guests milling about in the yard.

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士兵们在花园里转来转去,但他们到处都找不着那几个花匠。The soldiers wandered about the garden, but they couldn't find the gardeners anywhere.

“他们转来转去的”等待着农产品上架,她说,“新剪下的花朵总是转眼间便一抢而空。"They hover, " waiting for the produce, she says. "Cut flowers are always gone in an instant.

“昨天,就在另一个病人临终时,奥斯卡也到那个病人的病房里转来转去呢,”她说道。“Yesterday, Oscar wandered into another patient’s room right before she passed away,” she said.