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1927年到1935年期间,聂鲁达曾任驻外领事。Between 1927 and 1935, he held numerous honorary consulships.

指导驻外旅游办事机构的业务工作。instructing the operation of China's tourist institutions stationed abroad.

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本文简要回顾了美国驻外使馆建筑发展的历程。The authors review the history of American embassy buildings abroad briefly.

今年,这项新法律需要600名驻外国食品生产厂家的现场审计员。The new law calls for 600 on-site audits of foreign food producers this year.

管理和指导银监会驻外机构的业务工作。To administer and guide the operations of overseas resident offices of the Commission.

全国和驻外使领馆下半旗志哀。National flags flew at half-mast in public places, at Chinese embassies and at consulates.

驻外特工人员身份暴露后,就不能继续留在驻在国,只能打道回国。Overseas agents as post-exposure, it can not remain in the host countries, only Road home.

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刘锡鸿是中国近代史上首位驻外副使,同时也是首位驻德公使。He was the first vice-embassador and the first embassador of staying Germany in Qing Dynasty.

这些报告是美国和其驻外使馆往来文件的一部分。The reports are a series of documents sent between the United States and its foreign embassies.

驻外外交机构实行馆长负责制。The diplomatic institutions stationed abroad shall be governed by the head accountability system.

兖矿集团各驻外机构通过视频会议方式收看了此次工作会。Yanzhou Mining Group diplomatic missions abroad by video conference if the work will be watching.

马克•布雷恩是路透社和BBC前驻外记者,他的报道范围包括北京。Mark Brayne is a former Reuters and BBC foreign correspondent whose postings have included Beijing.

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将宣传北京奥运旅游活动列入驻外机构工作范围。The promotion of Olympics-related travel packages shall be made part of our representative offices.

馆长统一领导驻外外交机构的各项工作。A head of mission shall uniformly lead all kinds of work of the diplomatic institution stationed abroad.

终有一天,我们去那儿就不只是度蜜月而已,Derek会成为主持人,或者驻外记者。And someday, we won't just be honeymooning there. Derek will become an anchor or a foreign correspondent.

我国各驻外使馆所发回的报告都一致认为战争不可能发生。The reporting from our various diplomatic posts converged on the proposition that the war was improbable.

为今后中国驻外使馆的发展提供些许资料和经验。The introduction may be the useful information and experience to development of Chinese embassy buildings abroad.

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梵蒂冈的驻外部门是全世界最繁忙也最不知名的驻外机构之一。这是否与其特殊地位相称呢?The Vatican has one of the world's busiest but least-known diplomatic services. Does it deserve its special status?

境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。The Letter of Authority issued by the applicant is required for the relative who applies on behalf of the applicant.

境外机构出具的有关证明须经我国驻外使馆或者领馆认证。All the evidence issued by foreign institutes should be verified by the Chinese embassy or consulate in that country.