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他工作起来总是劲头十足。He always works like a tiger.

我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱。All of us joined lustily in the chorus.

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志愿者们劲头十足地工作。The volunteers worked with a lot of pep.

她在跑最后一圈时仍然劲头很足。She is still going strong on the last lap.

“一个充满果汁的人”是说这个人劲头十足。What is meant by "a person full of juice"?

他对自己的事业劲头十足。He is a man of push and goes in his career.

他鼓足劲头来开展新的工作。He gathered up his strength for the new job.

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他劲头十足,但不够仔细。He is full in vigour, but fails in carefulness.

随后几年里,我的工作劲头更足。Over the next few years, my work gained momentum.

杰出的团队工作需要有一组劲头实足的成员。Good teamwork requires a group of motivated people.

相应的,他们也蔑视我们的优越劲头和城市做派。In turn, they disparaged our elitism and urban mores.

往往一个60岁的老者比一个20岁的青年更多一点这种劲头。This often exits in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20.

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但我仍然劲头十足地履行天职,不屈不挠。But I still drive to perform the full duty, indomitable.

一谈到自己,哈里就会夸夸其谈,劲头十足。Harry is such a gasbag when he gets going about himself.

他虽然上了年纪,干起活来跟年轻人的劲头一样大。Old as he is, he works as energetically as young people.

查尔斯一谈到自己,就劲头十足,滔滔不绝。Charles is such a gasser when he gets going about himself.

这场充满血腥味充斥着非置人于死地不可劲头的残酷竞赛被称为“新伟大博弈”。This murderous contest became known as the new “Great Game.”

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这五科当中,姜浩学英语的劲头是最足的。Among the five subjects, Jiang learnt English most industriously.

学生要有这么一股劲头,而且也需要这种经历。Students need to want to be there and need to want the experience.

他们劲头十足而又充满信心地着手处理那一大堆信件,在中午前就全部处理完毕了。They sailed into the large stack of mail and disposed of it before noon.