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本周协商会持续举行。Those talks continue this week.

一切几乎都是可以协商的。Nearly everything is negotiable.

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扶贫协商小组的调查揭示了危机的影响CGAP Survey Reveals Impact of Crises

若有未尽事宜另行协商解决。If not separate can issue to resolve.

自那以后,昆州同意协商河水提取量的封顶值。It has since agreed to negotiate a cap.

和他们花时间协商的问题。It's what they spend their time negotiating.

而事实比你想的更具有可协商性。The truth is more negotiable than you think.

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国会议员目前将就最终法案进行协商。Conferees will now negotiate a final version.

他呼吁协商达成“双赢的解决方案”。He called for negotiationson a “win-win solution”.

必须从协商学程中购买。Must be purchased from the Program on Negotiation.

二传手孙炯从3号位将政治协商会议传给了李芬。Sun Jiong sets the ball from position 3 to Li Fen.

可替代的是通过一致的协商做出决策。The alternative is to take decisions by consensus.

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接着就可以处于有利的地位进行协商。Then it can negotiate from a position of strength.

有关访问的事宜正在协商之中。Arrangements about the visit are under consultation.

当然,当他们买车时,他们还是会协商价格的。Of course, when they buy a car, they will negotiate.

他们协商出一个还款协议,还要给老石找份工作。He'd negotiate a truce a repayment plan a job search.

我召集这次协商会有这样几个原因。I have convened this consultation for several reasons.

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在这个示例中,您的接口设置为自动协商。In this case, your interface is set as auto-negotiate.

在这节课中,我们将要绝交协商阶段。In this episode, we’ll focus on the negotiation phase.

我们和镇上人协商给学生提供宿舍。We arrange with the townspeople to billet the students.