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要做好项目的拆迁安置工作。Resettlement project to do the work.

强行拆迁和学校关闭。Forced evictions and school closures.

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我不知道是什么时候或者为什么给拆迁了。I don`t know when or why it was torn down.

一些居民对拆迁费不满意。Some residents are not satisfied with removal expense.

半个月前,肉联厂已经开始大规模拆迁。Just half month ago, massive demolition began on the plant.

拆迁丰台区的这个村落只会雪上加霜。Demolishing the Fengtai settlement only adds insult to injury.

世博会场地的动拆迁将于明年年底前正式启动。Expo venue move taken by the end of next year officially started.

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无土地证,拆迁赔偿差多少钱?。No land certificate, demolition of poor compensation for how much?

因为我们那里在搞拆迁,所以我现在不住花果山了。Because we are removing now , I am no longer living in Fruits Hill.

但这些燃烧瓶却没有成功阻止拆迁。However, the self-made explosives failed to prevent the demolition.

这些村民将得到拆迁补偿。The villagers will be offered a compensation package for resettling.

一群人早上一觉醒来,却发现他们的家门口贴上了拆迁通知。A group of people wake up to find demolition notices affixed to their homes.

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之后又以重庆九龙坡拆迁事件作为案例研究。After that, we take the moving event of Jiulongpo in Chongqing as case study.

为了能够有一个自己的家,他们上过法庭,也赢了官司,可拆迁费还是杳无音信。In order to have a home, they go on the court and win, Caqianfei or teachers.

拆迁人不得擅自提高或降低拆迁标准。Relocates the human not to raise or lower the relocation standard arbitrarily.

强制拆迁只是这项工程的许多余波之一。Forced relocations, though, could pale next to larger fallouts from the project.

房地产开发商付给当地居民拆迁费。The real estate developer compensated the local residents for the cost of moving.

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北京大学一学者说,强制拆迁一直是一个热点话题。A professor of Peking University said forced demolitions had long been a hot topic.

例如所谓“新学校”,其中有一所周围竟全是大片拆迁地,还不知道要被开发成什么项目。One is surrounded by an expanse of land cleared for an unknown development project.

该系统主要有学校宏观划片、微观规划和片区拆迁等功能。The system functions mainly include macro dicing, micro planning and district demolition.