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自那次听证会以来,出现了与小默多克提供的证据有矛盾的疑点。His evidence has since been contradicted.

并且他还记下每一条明显的疑点。and also he set down every sensible doubtful point.

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这个案件还有几个疑点。There are still a few questionable points in the case.

这意味着这款机器人存在着两大疑点。This means that there are two big unknowns about the robot.

从不同图片中看到的倒在人行横道上的柱子还有碎玻璃是另外一个疑点。The glass on the pavement of the pole is another doubtful point.

泄漏疑点组织为表,每个表表示一个泄漏根。The leak suspects are grouped in tables, one for each leak root.

本文澄清了质量成本管理过程中的一些疑点和难点。This paper clarified some doubtful and difficult points in COQ management.

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如果你可以拼凑所有疑点碎片成为一个完整蓝图,那么,放手去做!If you can form a complete picture out of all the puzzle pieces, go for it!

坦率的说,我们有两个主要的疑点,我们希望你能帮助我们解释清晰。Frankly we have two major suspicions and we hope you could help us to understand and clarify.

通过对郑成功死亡的各个疑点的分析,可以明确地得出郑成功是正常死亡,且是得伤寒病病逝的。I analyse every questionable points of his death and find he was death of exogenous febrile disease.

当时警察有很多疑点,但是由于没有确凿证据,所以无法定任何人的罪。The police at the time had many suspects but could never find sufficient evidence to convict anyone.

为了阅读两个泄漏疑点视图中的信息,首先要从第一行开始阅读表格。To read the information on both leak suspect views, you start to read the tables from the first row.

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张怀滨认出张延就是带队冒充11师救下谌剑玉的人,这支队伍疑点重重。Zhang Huaibin recognized Zhang Yan is posing as the 11 division led save Chen Jianyu, the team doubts.

开机员以不放过任何疑点为目标,立即下达开包指令。Members boot any doubts as to not miss the target and immediately issued instructions to open packages.

分析几乎总是会发现某些疑点,但并非全部疑点都是真正的内存泄漏。The analysis almost always identifies some suspects, but not all of the suspects are true memory leaks.

此差别与实例计数的差别是发现泄漏疑点的关键。This difference, together with differences in instance counts, is the key to discovering leak suspects.

“随着我们的挖掘,他描写中的很多疑点逐渐暴露出来,”彼得雷拉教授说。"It was during our dig that doubts began to emerge about much of what he wrote, '" said Prof. Petrella.

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天涯杂谈网民列出该事件的诸多疑点,认为此事件又是一次炒作。Skyline by-talk netizen is listed a lot of doubtful point of this incident, think this incident is hype.

奥巴马先生反驳了那些提出疑点的阴谋论者,以及那些证明9月11日的攻击有理的人。Mr. Obama challenged the conspiracy-minded who questioned, and those who justified, the Sept. 11 attacks.

长沙保卫战前夕,一辆神秘的火车将布防官张启山引向了一座疑点重重的矿山。The eve of battle in changsha, a mysterious train led protection officer Zhang Qishan to a dubious mountain.