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实是禽兽不如!Are not in animals!

或者是泰德,不如叫泰德好?Or Ted. Why not Ted?

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穷到生不如死。Poor to the living death.

他过着猪狗不如的生活。He’s leading a dog’s life.

我不如以前那样年轻力壮了。I am not as young as I was.

杜鹃道,不如归去。Cuckoo Road, Better go back.

不如试试这些省钱的小招数。Try these money-saving tips.

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我感到远远不如别人。I feel far inferior to others.

千好万好,不如心好。So good, not as good as heart.

他的工作最近不如以前。His work has gone off recently.

他们禽兽不如。They're lower than the animals.

降我的级?不如杀了我吧!Geez my lower back's killing me!

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某人过着牛马不如的生活。Somebody is leading a dog's life.

嗯,好,不如我们分头行动吧。Okay. I suggest we act separately.

不如溘然逝,安用半活为。Passed as death, On Semi-live for.

投亲不如访友。Kinsmen are less kind than friends.

不如让我们去香江野生动物园!Let's go to Xiangjiang Zoo instead!

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不如说是无知的流行。More like an epidemic of ignorance.

临渊慕鱼,不如退而结网。Pro Yuan Mu fish Than retreat webs.

路漫漫其修远兮,不如我们打的吧。Road is long Come, let us fight it.