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宪政是专制政体的对立物。The constitutionalism is the opposite of the autocracy.

我们切望秘鲁恢复宪政形式。We are anxious to see a return to constitutional forms in peru.

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是新民主主义的政治,是新民主主义的宪政。These constitute the whole of the new-democratic national economy.

这便是中国宪政建设的内驱力。This is drive of construction of Chinese constitutional government.

美国的宪政民主共和制并不独特。As a constitutional federal republic, the United States is not unique.

沈钧儒先生“一生从事宪政运动”。Shen Junru devoted himself to the constitutional movement all his life.

自然经济和计划经济不可能产生宪政。Natural economy and planned economy can't bring about constitutionalism.

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修宪权是宪政法治国家的重要权力。The amending power is also an important power in constitutional country.

圣约观与联邦主义宪政逻辑相容。The covenant thought is consistent with the federal constitutional logic.

一位宪政总统应该让华府的每一天都像一个下雪天的样子!A constitutionalist president should make every day in D.C. like a snow day!

弹劾制度是西方宪政制度的重要组成部分。Impeachment system is one of the important parts of western constitutionalism.

此状况深刻影响了西方宪政主义的发展。This situation profoundly influenced the development of Western constitutionalism.

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昨天晚上其实也在和宪政讨论这个问题,他的答案给我很大的启示。Yesterday evening I was just talking with xz about it, whose answer enlightened me.

请阐述基督教和西方宪政之间的关系。Please describe the relationship between Christianity and western constitutionalism.

第三部分,主要对殖民地印度的宪政改革进行综合评析。The third part probes into constitutional reforms of colonial India comprehensively.

宪政和政府法治是关系密切的两个概念。The two concepts, constitutionalism and government under law, have close connection.

乱象丛生的中国财政呼唤着法治与宪政。The chaos of China's financial calling the rule of law and constitutional government.

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毕竟,它可能是从一种**的宪政到民主宪政的转型。After all, it could be the transformation from a dictatorial constitution to a democracy.

可以说,西方宪政建设是至下而上的社会制度变革。In other words, western constitutional construction is a top-to-bottom regime revolution.

目前准备实行的宪政,应该是新民主主义的宪政。The constitutional government to be promoted is new-democratic constitutional government.