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我相信自然神论。I believe in Deism.

好运自然来。Good luck to nature.

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veda的一切都是自然的。Aveda is all natural.

花点时间回归自然。Spend time in nature.

它们是自然法则。They are nature laws.

自然的气息让我迷醉痴狂。Inebriate of air am I.

这只是事情的自然发展而已。It developed that way.

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他们是自然法则。They are natural laws.

这是很自然的事。This would be natural.

杨宝热爱自然。Yang Pao loved nature.

习惯成自然。Habit is second nature.

茅塞顿开,回归自然。Has a return to nature.

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你自然也不会孤单。Nor would you be alone.

请你竭尽全力,顺其自然吧。Do your best and let go.

只有自然和孤独。Only nature and solitude.

自然,用打蛋器就行了。Sure, with an egg-beater.

这是很自然的,这是你的权利啊!You are in the right. Ah!

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赞化天地、道法自然。Zanhua heaven and nature.

只有一人的自然之力。A one-man force of nature.

但是这是自然状况。But it can be natures way.