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全般世界起头复苏了。The entire world is reviving.

我们要到鲍勃来的时辰才起头。We won't start until Bob comes.

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他抬起头,转过身去面对苏泰和下面的人群。TURNS to face TSU’TEY and the CROWD.

我甚至不知道如何起头。I don't even know how to get started!

1828年他起头接受高等教育。In 1828, he began to get advanced education.

您夫奈起头当你查抄到你的房间。Your NYE begins when you check into your room.

90年代开始的一段时间,中国偷渡潮起头。China's flood of illegal immigrants started in the 90s.

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打了一针后,脚起头在靴子里生根抽芽。After a shot the foot began to root and shoot in the boot.

人们起头对这里的大气污染暗示忧闷。People began to be concerned about the air pollution here.

下面有些小秘诀亲睦主意可以帮你在自己家里起头节省。Feel free to share your own ideas and tips in the comments!

我下决心试试小说写作,不外迄今为止还没起头。I am resolved to try story-writing but so far have not made a start.

我起头谎上加谎,就像搭积木一样。I just started piling on lie after lie. It was like setting up Jenga.

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那句话就那样停留在了那里,几天后再从其它的空白页起头。It remained there, staring up from the otherwise blank page for days.

事实上,它由私营企业起头建造并不出奇。The fact that it started out as a private enterprise is not surprising.

这个排演9点钟才起头,咱们另有半钟头无事可做。The rehearsal will start at 9 o'clock. There is still half an hour left.

在利比亚叛变大使的压力下,结合国起头步履。Under pressure from mutinying Libyan diplomats the UN was brought to act.

脊椎滑脱的症状常起头于青少年迅速发育期。Symptoms of spondylolisthesis often begin during the teen-age growth spurt.

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在耶和华造化的起头,在太初创造万物之先,就有了我。The LORD possessed me in the beginning of his way, before his works of old.

朝起头便永久能将事业继续下去的人是幸福的。Once they start they can always continue to cause people is happy. – Herzen.

良多剖析师认为,此轮农业年夜宗商品的上涨才刚刚起头。Many analysts believe the rally for agricultural commodities is only just beginning.