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不幸的婚姻使我们兴味索然。The unhappy marriage disgusted us.

社交聚会使他兴致勃勃,可她似乎兴味索然。Parties switched him on but they seemed to switch her off.

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我见过许多上医科预备课程的学生趣味索然地苦撑。I see many students taking pre-medical courses with joyless tenacity.

如果你在不断地学习新的内容,普通是不会兴味索然的。If you're constantly learning new things, you'll be less prone to disinterest.

每当我必须为我不喜欢的一件乐器作曲时,我立即兴味索然。Whenever I have to write music for an instrument I dislike, I immediately lose interest.

这一现象在11至14岁的中学生中尤其普遍,他们对各门学科都兴趣索然。This was true for virtually all subjects among pupils aged 11 to 14 in secondary schools.

可是,我要是爱他的话,见他那样索然乏味地念书,我的心都要碎成八瓣了。But it would have broke MY heart, had I loved him, to hear him read with so little sensibility.

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他们沉默好静,与世无争,对任何事情均兴味索然。They are silent very static, stand aloof from the worldly affairs, to everything all uninterested.

从印第安人的角度来写一部信史,读起来一定令人兴味索然。An honest history, written from the point of view of the Indians, would make mighty interesting reading.

他的编辑终于对这位农夫记者不胜其烦,因为他的文章太索然乏味了。His editor finally got pretty much annoyed at the farmer-journalist because his pieces were so uninteresting.

蜜歇旅社初涉酒店业的智囊团对“奢华”这种旧式理念兴味索然。The Michelberger brain trust, all new to the hotel world, has little interest in stereotypical ideas of luxury.

只是为了一个无人期待的誓言,一份并不存在的约定,就索然寡味的路上走了那么远,只是因为——喜欢你。Is only for a nobody anticipation pledge does not exist agreement on insipid road that far because of liking you.

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只是为了一个无人期待的誓言,一份并不存在的约定,就在索然寡味的路上走了那么远,因为——喜欢你。Is only for a nobody anticipation pledge, does not exist agreement, on insipid road that far, because —— likes you.

无力的握手会令对方兴味索然,所以不妨先找一位朋友练习握手,确保你和别人握手时既不会令对方骨头生疼,也不会显得软弱无力。Weak handshakes turn people off, so practice yours with a friend to make sure it's neither bone-crushing nor wimpy.

只是为了一个无人期待的誓言,一份并不存在的约定,就在索然寡味的路上走了那么远,因为---喜欢你。Is only for a nobody anticipation pledge, does not exist agreement, on insipid road that far, because --- likes you.

要是新加坡人对自己的语文生活漠不关心,对这类话题兴致索然,反倒不妙了。It wouldn't DO if Singaporeans were indifferent to their own linguistic environment, and became bored with such issues.

其实当时并没有太多什么实质性的改进,他说,因为缺乏政客的支持,警察似乎也兴味索然。Not much came of it, he says, because there was a lack of commitment from politicians, and the police seemed unenthusiastic.

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不久,不间断的练习及熟习考试乐曲的需要慢慢扼杀了她学琴的兴趣,她变得兴味索然。Before long, the constant need to practice and perfect the exam pieces slowly killed her joy of learning and she became apathetic.

这将会是对Google和Amazon的有力反击,二者已经退出了各自云音乐服务,但是评论者对此兴趣索然。That would be a riposte to Google and Amazon, which have unveiled cloud music services that reviewers have so far been underwhelmed by.

战火被它惹得遍地都是,可是它却开始对那些战争兴味索然了——也许美国认为,现实就像一部好莱坞电影。War can happen all over, but the U. S. has not focused on those wars- the U. S. tends to make a Hollywood picture about everything we do.