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最大负荷七百三十九磅。Maximum Load 739 lbs.

古罗马于公元前七百五十三年建立。Rome was begun in 753 BC.

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一次四百,包夜七百。Seven hundred? whole nights.

给七百元,它就是你的了。It's yours for seven hundred.

探路者七百个魔玉。Explore the way 700 evil jades.

澳大利亚的面积是七百六十万平方公里。The area of Australia is 7.6 million sq. km.

在竹子的近七百个品种中。Among almost seven hundred species of bamboo.

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每年杜拜已吸引七百万名旅客来访。Dubai already draws 7 million tourists a year.

这座桥是一一九二年建造的,已经有七百多年的历史了。Built in 1192,the bridge is over 700 years old.

这座桥是1192年修的,已经有七百多年的历史了。Built in 1192, the bridge is over 700 years old.

下水道则最早出现于西元前七百年的罗马。The first sewers appeared in Rome around 700 B. C.

剩下的这段旅程有七百英里。The remaining journey spanned seven hundred miles.

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拉麦共活了七百七十七岁就死了。Altogether, Lamech lived 777 years, and then he died.

人类摘眼镜的汗青已有小约七百年之暂。People have been wearing glasses for about 700 years.

亚拉的子孙七百七十五名。The children of Arah, seven hundred seventy and five.

船上七百六十一人获救,其馀的一千一百九十八人都死了。Of those on board, 761 were rescued, while 1198 perished.

如果你认为最好花七百美金把她买下来,我依然可以得到她If you think best to take her at 700, I can still get her.

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于此世界,有七百二十亿菩萨。In this world, there are seventy two billion Bodhisattvas.

希腊人从公元前一千一百年到前七百五十年,完全就是文盲The Greeks are totally illiterate from around 1100 to 750.

七百多万多人受到了干旱的影响。More than seven million people have been affected by drought.