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不过,只要彼此互相迁就,还是能相处得不错。With compromise, it can work.

重新堕落哟-迁就的女娃!And new pervert a reconciled maid!

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对他的错误不能迁就。We mustn't pass over his mistakes.

他迁就我说可以,却给了我一个教训。He humored me and gave me a lesson.

有时迁就生病的孩子是必要的。His father sometimes indulges in a cigarette.

这些公司只能迁就那些不合作的工人。Firms may have to get used to bolshie workers.

无原则的迁就对他有害。Unprincipled accommodation will do harm to him.

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在一个人生病时,他需要别人迁就他。When a person is ill he may have to be humored.

他用迁就的眼光细细地端详了她一下。He gave her a critical and condescending look-over.

讲到容忍她的反复无常,他实在是太迁就了。He was rather too indulgent in humouring her caprices.

迁就新闻界充其量只是个权宜之计。The accommodation for the press was makeshift at best.

我们是尽可能地通融迁就你的。As much as we would like to accommodate you, Miss Roffe.

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最好的感觉莫过于你闹情绪有人来迁就你。The best feeling is that you have to adapt to your mood.

保罗没有过分迁就我某些更显异端的经济学思路。Paul did not indulge some of my more heterodox economic thinking.

谢谢您迁就我当我把房间重新归拢到一起。Thank you for humoring me while I put my house back together again.

薪酬和人力系统之间需要一些互相迁就和妥协。There may be some give-and-take here, with the money and human systems.

一个人会为另一个人去改变、去迁就,这就是爱!A man is tring to change, to indulge for the other person, that is love.

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可是当孩子的安全受到威胁时,我们便不应抱着迁就的态度。But when children are at stake we have to rise above that acquiescent mood.

负疚的双亲用礼物和放松管教来迁就孩子。Guilt-ridden, parents then indulge their children with gifts and indiscipline.

他一生都在姑息、迁就、纵容那家伙。He had been pampering, and coaxing, and indulging that individual all his life.