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他对他妻子发号施令。He bossed his wife about.

他是个爱发号施令的领导。He is an officious leader.

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他喜欢对人发号施令。He likes bossing people about.

他在家里发号施令。He lorded it over his household.

上尉吆喝着发号施令。The captain bawled out the orders.

你有什么资格向别人发号施令?What right have you to dictate to others?

她父亲发号施令,她母亲惟命是听。Her father dictated and her mother obeyed.

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你怎么竟敢对我大声发号施令?How dare you thunder out your orders at me?

美国在冲绳岛上发号施令的日子一直持续到1972年。The US lorded it over the island until 1972.

那只母鹅当起了指挥,开始发号施令。The goose took command and began to give orders.

接下来的几个小时里,由我来发号施令。For the next few hours, I am the one who commands.

他发号施令,人们惟命是从。He was giving orders, and people were taking them.

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自从他们结婚以来,她老是对他发号施令,跟他纠缠不休。She's bossed and nagged him ever since they got married.

战胜国能发号施令地规定媾和条件。The victorious nations were able to dictate peace terms.

玛格里特这几天在我们家发号施令。Margaret is calling the shots around our house these days.

今天是我第一次发号施令——有些晕眩,但感觉很好。Here I am in my first command--a bit dazed but feeling very grand.

登普斯特先生看来是一个习惯于发号施令的人。Mr. Dempster appeared to be a man accustomed to exercise authority.

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他的态度有些自高自大,而且带有一些发号施令的神气。He was a man with some amount of self-importance and a certain air of command.

同时,由于爱发号施令的倾向,处女也会变成一个怨言不断令人厌烦的人。Virgo can also be a grumbling and tiresome person with dictatorial propensity.

干部要深入群众,不要只是坐在办公室里发号施令。Cadres should go deep among the masses, not just sit in their offices issuing orders.