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你可以露天就餐。You may dine alfresco.

我们还是买露天看台座位好了。Let's just get bleacher seats.

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宾宾准备去露天运动场。Binbin is going to the stadium.

他们看了一场露天电影。They saw a film in the open air.

露天开采毁掉了风景。Strip mining deforms the landscape.

露天赛场简直在振动了!The fairgrounds are literally shaking!

他在洛杉矶县露天市场发表演讲。He spoke at the L. A. County fairgrounds.

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克瓦斯供应商在露天庆祝活动。Kvass vendor in the open air celebration.

在露天钟楼的钟下面的那一层板。A floor under the bells of an open belfry.

沿小巷设置的露天茶座。Installation of terrasses in a side-alley.

露天矿设置露天储煤场。The open coal yard is set on the open pit.

杂技演员在露天舞台上进行的表演。The acrobats performed on the open platform.

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每年夏天,“秋季”露天游乐场都会移师到克兰布鲁克。Each summer the fall Fair comes to Cranbrook.

时,他经常出入慕尼黑一家露天啤酒屋。He can often be found in a Munich beer garden.

这儿的游泳池是露天的还是室内的?Is the swimming pool here open-air or indoors?

这是世界上历史最悠久的花园式露天电影院。It is the world's oldest outdoor movie garden.

文章介绍了一种新型露天储粮囤。A new type of outdoor grain bin was introduced.

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他要把这个露天铜矿表面装饰一番。He would “cosmeticize”the opencast copper mine.

今晚电影在露天演。The film will be shown in the open air tonight.

演出在一个露天剧场举行。The performance was held on an outdoor theatre.