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这仅仅是一个“哗众取宠”的帖子。This is just another “sensationalist” post.

不要使用愚蠢的,哗众取宠的ID或昵称。Don't use a silly, grandiose user ID or screen name.

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大多数政客的演说不乏哗众取宠的空话。Most of the politician's speech was a load of clap-trap.

不难预测,大部分时间都被浪费在哗众取宠上了。Predictably, much of that time was instead spent grandstanding.

那个电视节目只会哗众取宠,没有任何内容可言。That TV show is nothing but titillation . It's got no substance.

因此,他们满足于陈词滥调、哗众取宠和肤浅的偏见。Instead, they settlefor banality, sensationalism and gut prejudice.

许多政客能在媒体上路脸儿而不惜哗众取宠。Many politicians like to make waves in order to be kept in the media.

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印度卫生部称这一报道是哗众取宠。The Indian health ministry has described the report as "sensational".

许多政客为了能在媒体上路脸儿而不惜哗众取宠。Many politicians like to make wxdyes in order to be kept in the media.

车展上的概念车有时像欢蹦乱跳的小马驹,有时又像哗众取宠的小丑。Concept cars are the prancing ponies -- or sometimes the pratfalling clowns.

他尽力不带一丝哗众取宠的色彩来写作他的题材。He took great pains to write on his subject without a trace of sensationalism.

领导不可哗众取宠,随波逐流,而应提出使人心悦诚服,乐于追随的主张。You don't lea people by following them, but by saying what they want to follow.

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你看一个星期的这类哗众取宠节目所学到的东西,比你看一年电视教育节目,都多。You learn more in one week watching this claptrap than you do all year on education TV.

本地图则是地缘政治的哗众取宠的另一实例,但它来源于土耳其的角度。This map is another example of geopolitical grandstanding, but from a Turkish perspective.

如果你能知道他们这样做的真正动机的话,你就知道他们只不过在哗众取宠罢了。If you really know their motivation to do so, you will realize it is nothing but another farce.

您的作品特别的“静”,您做到了没有喧闹或者哗众取宠。Your work is especially "quiet", you have achieved to keep away from the blatancy and flub dub.

祖姆特建筑作品从不在视觉上哗众取宠,反而有种肃穆的静谧美感。Zumthor's creation is never about visual impact, but instead focuses on the beauty of serenity.

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这种哗众取宠的心态,无非就是想引起他人的注意嘛。This curry favour by claptrap attitude, nothing but is wants to attract the attention of others.

你不止欣赏了我哗众取宠的外表,甚至扒下我强颜欢笑的伪装。You only appreciate me curry favour by claptrap appearance, even off I force a smile camouflage.

以茶来形容男人,很矫情甚至有点哗众取宠,这个世界上哪个男人能真正配得上茶这个称呼?To describe a man, tea, even a sensationalistic way in this world which man can really deserve this name?