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你们只应该信托真主,如果你们是信士的话。But on Allah put your trust if ye have faith.

它是对所有信士的年度培训课程。This is an annual training program for all believers.

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信仰是信士与造物主之间的个人问题。Faith is a personal matter between a believer and her Creator.

历史告诉我们第一位穆斯林是一位妇女,即众信士之母海迪彻。History tells us that the first Muslim was a woman, Khadijah, Mother of Believers.

但愿我们得复返人世,我们不再否认我们的主的迹象,而我们要做信士了。Then would we not reject the signs of our Lord, but would be amongst those who believe!

此外,圣训最伟大的传述人也是一名妇女,即众信士之母阿依莎。Also, the greatest teacher of Prophetic Hadith was a woman, Aishah, Mother of Believers.

先知对信士的权利,重于他们自身的权利,他的众妻,是他们的母亲。The Prophet is closer to the Believers than their own selves, and his wives are their mothers.

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使者确信主所降示他的经典,信士们也确信那部经典,他们人人都确信真主和他的众天神,一切经典和众使者。The Messenger believeth in what hath been revealed to him from his Lord, as do the men of faith.

这正如你的主本真理而使你从你家中出去,而一部分信士对此确是憎恶的。Just as thy Lord ordered thee out of thy house in truth, even though a party among the Believers disliked it.

同样,选择把信仰融入习惯是信士精神旅程的自然结果。Likewise, choosing to put one's faith into practice is a natural outcome of the believer's spiritual journey.

很多人在管理时间和工作方面做的不够好。勤奋个自我牺牲对信士们来说是重要的。The thing that gives value, vitality and liveliness to time is what is done within that period or, in other words, its contents.

事实上,人是一个灵魂隐藏在身体内的存在,因此,信士忠诚于道德和精神价值。In fact, the human being is a soul cloaked in a physical body, and hence the believer is committed to moral and spiritual values.

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另外,我还想提醒你、我自己以及所有的信士每天都要向全能的安拉忏悔,并祈求他的饶恕和原谅。Accordingly, I remind you, myself and all the believers to repent to Almighty Allah every day and seek His forgiveness and pardon.

他说,一个信士或许会犯偷窃,通奸,饮酒等被禁止的罪恶,但信士绝不对说谎。He said that a believer may be guilty of such forbidden things as theft, adultery, and drinking intoxicants , but a believer cannot tell a lie.

什叶派尊崇阿伊莎为“信士之母”,当阿里在“骆驼之役”后从巴士拉送阿伊莎返回麦地那时,他就是如此尊崇她的。" Ayisha is respected by Shias as the "Mother of Believers, " as Ali respected her when he sent her back from Basra to Madinah after the Battle of the Camel.