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据先前的驾驶专刊报道,在2008年初长城汽车已进入澳大利亚的测试车目录。As previously reported by Drive, Great Wall was testing vehicles in Australia in early 2008.

不久其他的新闻报纸也想要这个“迷你栏目”,贝蒂·德伯南为儿童们写了一个专刊迷你栏目。Soon other newspapers wanted to use the Mini Page. Betty began writing the special page for children have a Mini Page.

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他认为漫画产业的真正价值是到漫画商店里购买专刊。He feels like the real value in the comics industry comes from special editions purchased through these comic book shops.

地市级党报社会新闻专刊在发挥舆论监督作用中起着重要作用。The Special Issue of Community News in Municipal Party Newspaper plays an important role in the course of supervision of public opinion.

多莉的KHS系统解决方案首先拆的推车或单独提供堆叠承运人托盘成专刊。The KHS dolly system solutions begin with the unstacking of dollies provided or separately stacked on a carrier pallet into a special magazine.

出版吐露丛书、传经讲座系列、万伦讲座系列、牧爱丛书、神学专刊等。Publishing the Tolo Theological Series, the Chuen King Series, the Pommerenke Series, the Good Shepherd Series and other theological monographs.

刊物栏目的编排与篇目的分布都体现出它作为文学研究与批评专刊的定位。Publications section of the choreography and the table of contents reflects the distribution of both literary studies and criticism of it as a special issue of the location.

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为此,我们推出了本期马来西亚专刊,并将带您了解中国马来西亚商会上海分会在两国领导人互访期间的所见所闻。Fittingly in this edition of Malaysia Special Report for these great events, we will bring you the highlights on MAYCHAM Shanghai's involvement during the two leaders' visits.

国家保密局把测绘保密列为专项工作,注重宣传引导,在保密专刊开辟了专栏。State Secrets Bureau of Surveying and Mapping confidentiality as a special work to pay attention to propaganda and guidance, special issue of confidentiality has opened special columns.

专刊策划应注意策划内容具有新闻性,要突出专刊的特点,要有主动参与的意识,要引导读者正确的价值取向。This design of special section should also have the feature of nerve, which is its characteristic. It should have the consciousness of active participation and direct readers' correct value.

作为ICMI战略与领导力职业兴趣领域的顾问,杰伊先生一直充当有关这个领域的专刊和专项报告的先锋。同时,他还为ICMI的网站定期撰写专栏文章。As ICMI's Strategy and Leadership Professional Interest Area Advisor, Jay spearheads the special issues and reports developed for the group, and also writes a regular column for ICMI's Web site.

所以在前人研究的基础上,作者对专刊和专刊的经营管理进行了梳理,并采用理论与实践相结合的方式探讨了市场化报纸专刊发展的关键性问题。Based on the previous researches, the author of the thesis aims at systemizing special issue of newspaper and its management in the hope of bringing some ideas to academic research and practice.

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当两大报业巨头威廉·伦道夫·赫斯特和约瑟夫·普利策开始在报纸上添加体育类和多格连环漫画这些专刊的时候,报纸业硝烟四起。Two newspaper magnates, William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer, turned producing newspapers into a war when they began adding special sections including sports and multiple frame cartoon strips.