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结束意味着开始?Wut do u mean?

那将意味着什么?What will it mean?

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那意味着,哇哦!Which means, wahoo!

这样意味着坏运气。That means bad luck.

可交付意味着已经完成了。Shippable means done.

那也就意味着万圣节到了!That means Halloween!

这对美国意味着什么呢?What this means for U.

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弥赛亚意味着什么?What does Messiah mean?

Namaste意味着什么呢?What does Namaste mean?

那么,这意味着什么?So, what does that mean?

这一切意味着什么?What does all this mean?

妈妈,您对我意味着太多。You mean a lot to me mom.

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就意味着要生活在一个城邦之中。meant to live in a polis.

那就意味着经验。And that means experience.

但对输家意味着什么呢?But what about the losers?

这意味着没有热量传递,没有功。It means no heat, no work.

乌云意味着要下雨。The dark clouds mean rain.

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那就意味着它们能数数。And that means coots count.

红灯意味着蓦“停”。Thee red light means"Stop".

动态性对我们意味着什么?What Do We Mean By Dynamic?